Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Models for Learning and Development
our site ââ¬â BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DISSERTATION TOPICS ââ¬â CUSTOM ESSAY WRITING Abstract This essay critically appraises the validity of the 70, 20, 10 formula used for giving due recognition to different types of management learning. Using a wide variety of resources, the discussion assesses the current method, future potential and possible shortcomings. The research shows that the process of aiding employees to develop, any form of additional education on the job adds to the natural way people develop, aiding both the person and the company. Yet, in many cases the method is found to be outdated in the face of developing technology. This study will be of interest to those researching developing trends in relation to long standing practices 1 Introduction This essay critically appraises the validity of the 70: 20: 10 formula used for giving due recognition to different types of management learning. Burgess (2017) describes the 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development as a learning model that seeks to improve overall performance through targeted efforts. Jennings et al., (2010) illustrates the formula in the following manner: Seventy per cent assignments Twenty per cent from relationships Ten per cent from training Watkins et al., (1992) argues that learning begins with motivation, leading to action.. Whilst this seems to be a simple form of beginning, this start could come in various forms that leave many things in question. For example, a mistake which is a very common beginning point, builds experience, leading to a learning experience. Yet, Pollock et al., (2015) describes the system as outdated . With many others critical of this approach including Blackman et al., (2016), the following discussion illustrates the pros and cons of the method. 2 The 70: 20:10 Models Rentroia-Bonito et al., (2015) argue that the 70:20:10 model helps people to extend their focus beyond the norm in order to build more resilient workforces thereby serving to create cultures that feature continuous learning. Critical of this Blackman et al., (2016) says that the 70:20:10 isnââ¬â¢t a simple rule as it only outlines the process of learning as it naturally occurs, only then offering a process to support that learning process. Furthermore, as part of the daily workflow the method helps in the effort to improve working as well as the art of and sharing with colleagues, empowering the entire company or effort to move forward. This seems to generate considerable questions regarding the meaning of the numbers and how this has been defined throughout its term of operation. The 70:20:10 models, although considered a change agent by most, is described by Watkins et al., (1992) as a consistently useful reminder that learning can also be found in the workplace and not just in the a educational format. Yet, Pollock et al., (2015) are critical of assigning any single meaning to the model, showing that learning is continually dependent on the person, the environment and the motivation. This seems to indicate that learning is a very personal based experience that can be successful for nearly anyone once the correct combination of method and motivation is found. Furthermore, this is a real indication that the influx of numbers cannot be considered a mantra, more of a guideline leading to a potential change. Blackman et al., (2016) supports the contention that many of the past years have continued to illustrate the condition that workplace learning is on the increase with more and more people are using the possibility of learning in organisations. Yet, Jennings et al., (2010) continue to be critical of such an assumption, arguing that alongside each new learning development is an advance in the science of education, which in turn is associated with increasing the ability for organisations to effectively reach their target employees. This seems to be a strong argument for the condition of consistent learning in every situation aiding the person in the entirely. Furthermore, this framework aids the understanding of learning within organisations that is widely considered a step towards more effective know-how learning (Rentroia-Bonito et al., 2015). Yet, every writer continues to agree that the elements of the method of completely interdependent, with each one impacting the other. This is best scene in examples that illustrate that mentoring and courses seem to be better when they support on-the-job development, leading to a consistent motivation. Blackman et al., (2016) describe the 70:20:10 formulas as an argument that is made when an organisation tries to innovate and prosper based on the abilities held by the employees. Yet, choosing to add to that description, Jennings et al., (2010) illustrates the method as a model designed to support individual, as well as any form of organisational learning. This seems to be indicative of a desire by this process to integrate each of the three types of learning: experiential, social and formal. Critical of accepting the method on initial value Marsick et al., (2006) argues that organisations assume more responsibility for any organisationââ¬â¢s learning, as a means of improving the entire company whether that education come from formal or informal conditions. Pollock et al., (2015) chooses to believe that the process is of value as a general guideline only, leading to many areas of for improving the effectiveness of learning. Yet, Rentroia-Bonito et al., (2015) is critical of this assessment, being quick to point out that the model is used heavily by organisations around the world.2.1 Meaning of the NumbersEach of the percentages associated with the 70:20:10 methods are associated with specific elements of the learning process (Jennings et al., 2010). This is an indication that there are areas that deserve more attention to and broader funding, leading to the development of priorities. Watkins et al., (1992) argues that the 70 per cent becomes the most beneficial for employees due to the possibility of for these persons to discover and further develop their skills, which in turn leads to better decision making and better performance in the face of ongoing day to day challenges. Although Blackman et al., (2016) argues that the key element of this portion of the program is the fact that the individuals receive immediate feedback on their performance and are able to quickly use this information on the job. According to this method, persons learn 20 per cent fro m areas of social learning, collaborative learning and of interaction with co-workers. Pollock et al., (2015:124) uses the following illustration to demonstrate the range of interpretations: A multinational company 70% comes from constant on-the job Encouragement and stimulation such as delegation and job rotation. 20%from daily contact with colleagues and management. A professional services firm 70% on the job such as stretch, projects, problems solving, client interaction, and rotation assignments. 20% undertaken through others such as social networking, performance conversations; work shadowing, communities of practice and social activities. 10% formal or prescribed. 10% from formal methods such as e-learning, the classroom, external courses. A distribution organisation 70% from work experiences such as stretch assignments, projects and overseas exposure. 20% others such as mentoring and learning from seniors and peers. 10% formal and informal channels. An Australian government body 70% is experiential. 20% is relationship based. 10% is formal. A not-for-profit organisation 70% on the job. 20% coaching and mentoring. 10% formal courses. A large multinational organisation 70% from on-the-job training, projects. 20% from exposure to teachers and other educators. 10% from learning material including online resources, books and external resources. The Pollock et al., (2015) approach outlined here only seems content that ten per cent of any class of trainees working to be a professional will complete the course and development optimally. This condition will result from the combination of the formal instruction alongside the contribution of outside offerings.2.2 Is the 70:20:10 still relevant?Jennings et al., (2010) argues that the internet, alongside developing communications technology has altered the training industryââ¬â¢s views of the 70:20:10 models, making some elements more meaningful, whilst reducing others. Perhaps the fastest and loudest growing criticism of the model is the fact that the old model does not reflect the current marketââ¬â¢s fast-growing emphasis any type of learning. This seems to indicate that as technology continues to develop, so too do the opportunities for people to learn anywhere, seemingly lending support for the argument that the model needs to be updated for the modern world. Another observation that is commonly touted to the negative in relation to this model is the fact that the ratios do not reflect the many opportunities emerging, instead seemingly limiting the effectiveness of the tool (Pollock et al., 2015). Yet, Watkins et al., (1992) argues that no matter what may come in the markets the model will continue to be as a valuable guideline. Blackman et al., (2015) argues that the relevance of the method remains in the ability for the model to assist the transition from the formal learning to on the job application. This is best achieved using specific methods such as step by step instructions or allowing a person to instruct themselves leading to potential opportunities during training. However, Watkins et al., (1992) insists that any attempt to use the model in todayââ¬â¢s markets rests on the ability for the course content to remain short in order to tackle a wider variety of concepts. Furthermore, this seems to indicate that any attempt at using the model will increasingly use methods such as micro learning, leading to innovation and development. Yet, Blackman et al., (2015) shows that if a model is not carried out correctly, the learnings will begin to occupy more time than the 10%, leading to a skewed attempt. This element seems to support the contention that the model is highly dependent on management style an d ease of any programs use. Jennings et al., (2010) asserts that job aids aid to provide possible learners with much of the supplementary materials that is needed in to succeed, leading to better skills for the person in the long run. Yet, Blackman et al., (2015) again asserts that the most valuable element of the program is the introduction of the peer learning component that allow employees to find methods of success outside of the norm, again, leading to innovation and possible development in the work place. The relevance of the model has further increased with Jennings et al., (2010) that the addition of mobile content adds a tremendous extension of any learning efforts. This seems to indicate that there is a real potential in this model to extend formal learnings and help in the persons personal efforts to establish a proper educational path. Yet, in every case Blackman et al., (2015) asserts that the most important element, and remaining relevance of this model is the self-as sessment that helps each person to learn and apply their knowledge.2.3 PotentialPascale (2017) asserts that learning programs provide potential as they are addressing employees as well as providing experience and the benefit of increased confidence. This seems to indicate that Pascale (2017) sees the method as learning that can be attributed to any single personââ¬â¢s capacities which in turn assist the personââ¬â¢s entire workforce. Yet, Jennings et al., (2010) cautions against this form of over optimism, stating that these skills are the employees, and the person may choose to use these emerging skills elsewhere or in a different manner than the company may have anticipated. Jennings et al., (2010:20) says that the system has the potential to ââ¬Å"forces us into a mind-set of extending learning solutions beyond classes and courses and out into the workflow. It creates great opportunities to leverage work for learning and to bring learning closer to work. As the workflow is where the majority of learning happens, re-focusing there is not only a sensible approach, but itââ¬â¢s an effective one as well.â⬠This seems plausible with a real opportunity for persons to learn through practice and establishing as well as learning through the day to day employee conversations. Yet, Watkins (1992) assert that the best possible element of the program rests in the element of reflective practice that both enhances the organisational learning as well as adding to any form of personal educational experience. This seems to indicate that there is support for a system that helps a person becomes the best form of themselves that they can be, which in turn seems to require a little more flexibility than a rigid model. Burgess (2017) describes this art of reflection as a link across any activities that assist to assess a personââ¬â¢s success or failure, which in turn adds to the likelihood of success in a new challenge. Furthermore, extending this principle sho ws that reflecting on improvement, alongside practice and is a natural and practical way for a person to improve their potential for growth. With intuitive elements already a large part of every personââ¬â¢s life in the form of teachers, coaches and mentors with endless sessions of practice in any number of educational efforts, the method provides a framework that adds to the potential for anyone to succeed (Watkins et al., 1992). However, this is not the same attitude evinced by the later studies such as Burgess (2017) citing the need for more flexibility in order to provide the proper potential for growth and innovation.2.4 ChallengesJennings et al., (2017) argue that the biggest challenge of using the 70:20:10 frameworks is how to do it correctly in any environment. Yet, Pascale (2017) cites the largest challenge as matching the various levels of understanding among the persons being educated. Whilst Pollock et al., (2015) argues that the largest challenge going forward is going to be the nature of the process and the inability of method to effectively integrate technology. Although, this contention is debated among many professionals with Jennings et al., (2017) making arguments clearly in favour of using innovative technology to aid in both reaching employees and the manner in which they would understand their material. This all seems to sustain the contention that although there seems to be a solid structure to the system overall, the lack of a solid step by step system that can be applied in nearly any circumstance is a drawback. Furthermore, it would seem as if the area of technology remains a key weakness that needs to be developed. Pascale (2017) cites the fact that leaders are actively seeking out new ways to train employees, that there is a need for more innovation and development. With nearly seventy per cent of hands on training, considered to take too long, the mistakes made by employees only serve to reduce effectiveness and potential revenue. Furthermore, Watkins et al., (1992) notes this same condition, with the companies that using temporary workers hit hardest. This seems to support the arguments that technology has brought on training that provides a focused way for people to speed up learning whilst keeping overall cost low. 3 Conclusion This essay critically appraised the validity of the 70: 20: 10 formula used for giving due recognition to different types of management learning, with the understanding that the learning model seeks to improve overall performance through targeted efforts. With considerable debate on the subject, the central area of challenges to the system was the assertion that it was becoming outdated and that the seventy per cent assignments, twenty per cent from relationships and ten per cent from training were not effective in the modern market, making the entire method questionable. Yet, support for the method centred largely on the ability for the educational material to provide a source of growth and reflection for the employee that would in turn aid them in learning in a natural manner that would easily integrate into their professional lives. This seems to support the Watkins et al., (1992) argument that learning begins with motivation, leading to action. This motivation is built upon the desire to better them through education, and the method does seem to provide a valid and practical process for attaining that goal. However, the critics of this process are a quick to point out that any mistake will build a faulty knowledge base that should be better controlled to ensure quality. However, with time being a key element of any business community, it does not seem practical for employees to expect to receive any long term education that many received in the past in formal educational settings. The material in this study seems to support the contention that when seeking to determine how long someone needs to train, it remains vital to look at the method and manner of training. There are many choices for each unique person, making some critics of the system point out that the need for flexibility is a real and lasting component of any system.. This works to build confidence in the assessment that a personââ¬â¢s learning program will help to build better overall working practices that will in turn benefit the company or organisation that the persons is associated with. Furthermore, the material clearly shows that there is more to learn than how to make the connection in the classroom, that there must be deeper elements that serve to encourage and develop the innovative nature of the person, whilst not relying on a single model for universal education. The research shows that the process of aiding employees to develop, any form of additional education on the job adds to the natural way people develop, aiding both the person and the company. Yet, in many cases the method is found to be outdated in the face of developing technology. This study will be of interest to those researching developing trends in relation to long standing practices. This study shows that formal training and development serve only a portion of a person, or employees learning and educational development, with valuable sources of education and knowledge coming from practice, reflection and the proximity and mentorship of experienced professionals in the field. The research illustrates that by aiding people, employees and leaders to work and develop educational process whilst on the job, the ability to naturally integrate this knowledge into their professional lives grows. This growth not only seems to aid the person on many levels, but aids the efforts of the companies associated with the person, supporting the contention that the 70:20:10 model is not only relevant but needed in the modern community. This continues to show that people develop on the job and in order to companies to remain or become successful education must be a cornerstone of that process. References Blackman, D. and Johnson, S. (2016). The 70:20:10 model for learning and development: an effective model for capability development?. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(1), pp.112-116. Burgess, J. (2017). Is a Blended Learning Approach Suitable for Mature, Part-Time Finance Students?.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Cotton, J. and Rechtschaffen, A. (1958). Replication report: Two- and three-choice verbal-conditioning phenomena. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56(1), pp.96-96. Gardner, R. (1957). Probability-Learning with Two and Three Choices. The American Journal of Psychology, 70(2), p.174. Jennings, C. and Wargnier, J. (2010). Experiential learning ââ¬â a way to develop agile minds in the knowledge economy?. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 24(3), pp.14-16. Jennings, C., Jennings, C. and profile, V. (2017). 70:20:10 Primer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. KMI Learning. (2017). 70-20-10 Training ââ¬â A New Approach | KMI Learning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Pascale, C. (2017). 70:20:10 Guide: Provide Structure to the 70%. [online] Docebo. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Pollock, R., Jefferson, A., Wick, C. and Wick, C. (2015). The six disciplines of breakthrough learning. 1st ed. Rentroia-Bonito, M., Goncalves, D. and Jorge, J. (2015). Clustering Students Based on Motivation to Learn:. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 7(3), pp.18-39. (2017). 70:20:10: Where Is the Evidence?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Mar. 2017]. (2017). 70:20:10: Where Is the Evidence?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Training Magazine. (2017). Fear Not the 70-20-10. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. (2017). The 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development | Training Industry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Watkins, K. and Marsick, V. (1992). Towards a theory of informal and incidental learning in organizations?. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 11(4), pp.287-300.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
After high school Essay
As we get older, more and more problems begin to form. When we reach our teenage years though, it becomes worse. One problem I think the hardest is for young adults is deciding what we want to do for the rest of our lives when we are so young. You can go to college, military or the working field depending on your preference. When weââ¬â¢re in high school, we have to raise our hand and ask to use the restroom, go to the office to make any phone call no matter how important it may be and have ridiculous dress code rules. You are treated like a child from kindergarten all the way up to senior year and yet they expect you to make the most important decision of your life then. One thing that people do straight out of high school is go directly to the work field. Although its normally in most peopleââ¬â¢s best interest not to, not everyone is made for college. Unless you are extremely lucky, it has been found that people who didnââ¬â¢t advance to other education after high school make 85% less than those with a college diploma. My brother has a roommate in college and his dad dropped out of college after his first year or two and he makes more money than most people will ever see. His wife doesnââ¬â¢t have to work and his kids have it made when it comes to the materialistic things in life. He owns his own real estate company in Pittsburgh and sells and rents houses to people. He does most of his own work so he doesnââ¬â¢t have to pay people to do it, which is very convenient for him. Although most people do not get as lucky as him, thatââ¬â¢s okay for some people because money isnââ¬â¢t everything though. Sometimes itââ¬â¢s better to take time off of school instead of wasting all that money when you donââ¬â¢t even know what you are planning on doing for the rest of your life and going straight to college. There are many reasons why people decide to not go to college, not because they just donââ¬â¢t think that they can do it. Sometimes people have kids before they plan, family problems or even they just canââ¬â¢t get help to pay for it so it holds them back from attending. College is an expensive thing that most people donââ¬â¢t want to pay for. You have years of loans to pay back and for a lot of people; they end up miserable at their jobs after a few years. It is also very hard to get help to pay for you college education. When my cousin tried getting help for college, because she had a full time job and no kids she could get barely any money even though she wasnââ¬â¢t getting any help from her parents. If college still isnââ¬â¢t the right thing for you but you donââ¬â¢t want McDonalds to be your only definite in for a job, the military is a great option. Although you have to work your butt off for it, the military gives awesome benefits. Of course itââ¬â¢s nothing that the NBA players make, which is ridiculous, but it is still a lot just for being in the military. A player in the NBA averages about $5. 15 million per year and all the do is dribble and shoot a basketball for a living where people in the military have to work their tails off every single day to fight for our country and they only get about $70 thousand per year. There is a lot of schooling that they will pay for you so you can still get an education while being in the military. Not only will you get your schooling paid for, but also you can even get paid for going. Also, they have programs like ROTC where you can still train for the military but you are in an actual college getting your education. As well as getting your education paid for, you also get free medical care, financial security and you can retire around 20 years before other people do. If you get all of that stuff paid for, is there even anything left to buy? Food and housing. No worries, in the Army, you receive a regular paycheck and free housing including meals. If you live off of base, you will still receive a housing allowance. Even if the amount of free meals and the checks donââ¬â¢t cover all of the food you want, some restaurants and grocery stores offer military discounts, which will also save a lot of money. My dad owns houses and rent them out to people and the first thing he looks at is what kind of job they have to make sure they can keep up with rent. Last summer there was a guy from the Army that tried to rent of my dad and he told him that the monthly paying isnââ¬â¢t going to be a big deal because he gets checks from the Army specifically for his housing so it is totally free for him. Although college isnââ¬â¢t everyoneââ¬â¢s best option, I believe itââ¬â¢s more worth it than working forever at a job that barely gets you by. Colleges can really help you out when you arenââ¬â¢t exactly sure what you want to do. Some even make you take a full year of general education classes just so you are sure that you want to be in that major. Nobody should waste thousands of dollars just to change their mind like 50-70% of college kids end up doing. Also, most colleges have classes that help you transition from high school to college and help get good study habits and things like that. For most kids, what they do for the school like sports, music, theatre and clubs is the most important part of high school. Proceeding to college gives you the opportunity to further your career in things like that where there are plenty of sports, clubs, different bands and also sororities and fraternities. Although that would be going to college for the wrong reasons, a college education in general expands your knowledge base, makes you more organized and exposes you to a whole new world of learning. There are also so many different types of colleges though. Depending on your preference, you can go to school for a few months or 12 years. There are community colleges, tech schools, four-year schools and also schools that are totally based on what you want to do. At the four-year schools, you have to take a certain amount of general education courses where as a college with a certain amount of month program, all of your classes are dedicated for your major. Every school that you go to has a variety of majors to choose from which also make the college option hard. There are some things that people will never even hear of until they go to college and even then, there are thousands of jobs you can do with most majors that people will probably never even know throughout their entire life. A lot of people donââ¬â¢t realize that a really big benefit of going to both college and the military is the life long friends that you make. Of course youââ¬â¢ll always have your friends from high school, but college and the military both give you the opportunity to start over and make new friends. As you can see, there are benefits to every option you decide to do when you graduate high school. There are also a lot of cons to the option that you decide. It all depends on the person and what they are like. Itââ¬â¢s just a very hard decision to make when you are barely old enough to stay outside past 11pm. We are very uneducated about the all the different majors in college and the benefits of or other options if we decided to not go to college. We have only lived about a quarter of our life and we are expected to decide what we want to do for three more quarters of our life. This decision is the one that is going to affect you for the rest of your life and I just donââ¬â¢t think that we are educated enough to make it.
“How does Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s stories represents heritage conflict in the 1970s?
Alice Walker is a contemporary Afro-American writer who is renowned for her feminist beliefs and the way in which she reflects her views of the heritage of black American women in her prose and stories. This essay explores two of Walkerââ¬â¢s works, Roselily and Everyday Use, both of which appeared in Walkerââ¬â¢s collection of short stories entitled, In Love and Trouble in 1973. The paper examines the way in which the heritage conflict of the 1970s is represented and symbolized in both of these stories.Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s short story Everyday Use, appeared in her. The story was predominantly concerned with the concept of heritage and addresses the way in which traditional values, culture and beliefs can be lost as a result of the pressure or desire to fit into other cultures and belief systems. Within the story conflicting views of the importance of heritage are presented through the characters of the prose and the way in which they interact with the everyday items of their home.In Roselily the theme of heritage is perhaps a little more subtle, with the story containing other, more prominent themes such as isolation and loneliness, male domination and inner turmoil. This story tells the tale of Roselily, an African America woman who is to marry a Muslim man and centers around her thoughts and feelings as the wedding takes place. In Everyday Use, the story is told through the eyes of Mama and key messages and statements are made through the representation of her two daughters, Dee and Maggie.Whereas Mama represents a solid, cautious and thoughtful character, Dee is portrayed as frivolous and superficial, someone who is unable to look beyond the surface of the world in which she lives. Her actions and behavior have a profound effect on her sister who appears to walk in Deeââ¬â¢s shadow feeling ugly and worthless. The main characters of Roselily and, as with Mama in Everyday Things, everything is told from her perspective.Whilst the man to whom she wil l marry is mentioned, he is never named, his presence in the story is there to represent a new life for Roselily, away from her past and her freedom: ââ¬Å"She thinks of ropes, chains, handcuffs, his religionâ⬠(Walker, 1). In both pieces of writing the views of the individual characters are utilized to ensure that the importance of the heritage of Afro-Americans is not only recognized but that it is understood in the correct way. In Everyday Things the story is structured around the way in which each of the three characters views their heritage.Dee, successful and intelligent, feels the need to be progressive and modern and expresses embarrassment of her past. She feels that anything that occurred in her past is irrelevant to her current and future life and appears to pick and choose the elements of her background with which she wishes to affinitize herself with. Her African background, for example, exists to her as something through which she can achieve aesthetic or artisti c objectives. An example of this can be seen in the way she changes her name from what she believes to be an American name, Dee, to Wangero Leewamika Kemanjo.Although here her intentions are to try and associate herself with her tradition and background there is an irony to her rejection of the name Dee that, in itself, was more closely aligned with her African roots than she recognized. Further evidence of Deeââ¬â¢s superficial embracement of her African culture can be seen within her appearance and the way in which she attempts to affiliate herself with her African background and make a statement about the culture from whence she originated: ââ¬Å"A dress down to the ground, yellows and oranges enough to throw back the light of the sun.Earrings gold, too. Bracelets dangling and making noises. â⬠(183, Walker). Dee is represented very differently from her sister and her mother and it is clear that their unique perceptions are purposely used by Alice Walker to represent con flicting views of heritage. This is played out through their relationship with the various items that are present in the family home. Whilst not of any financial value, the value that each of the characters places upon them is of significance. The quilts can be used as an example of this.Despite the fact that they have no monetary value to speak of, each daughter would like to have them. Dee sees them as something that she can display in her city residence. They act as a mechanism through which she hopes she can show off her African background to her family and friends. For Maggie, they are everyday objects that she needs to use to survive whilst living in her current circumstances: ââ¬Å"there are no real windows, just some hole cut in the side with rawhide holding the shutters up on the outsideâ⬠(Walker, 90). Despite their tatty appearance, the quilts are still of use to her in keeping her warm.Mama sees even further into the quilts, for her they represent her past and hold valuable memories of her family: ââ¬Å"In both of them were scraps of dresses Grandma Dee had worn fifty and more years ago. Bits and pieces of Grandpa Jarrellââ¬â¢s Paisley shirts. And one teeny faded blue piece, about the size of a penny matchbox, that was from Great Grandpa Ezraââ¬â¢s uniform that he wore during the Civil Warââ¬â¢ (Walker, 93). The quilts represent the history and heritage of the family and the struggles they have endured and overcome in order to survive in their current state.However, through the actions of Mama when she gives the quilts to Maggie, Alice Walker demonstrates her belief that heritage isnââ¬â¢t something to preserved and worshiped as something of the past. It is a living, breathing element of life as it continues to develop and flourish; not in Africa but in present day USA. In Roselily, the writing is structured entirely around the thoughts of the protagonist and she goes through the wedding ceremony. She is looking to her heritage, and her past, in order to make sense of her present and what may become of her in the future.Although the wedding and accompanying issues pertaining to women and their relationship with men takes forefront, the story also contains strong messages about the history and heritage of afro-American women. The story takes place at a time where the rights of blacks and whites in America were considered to be equal. Walker, however, does not seem to be in agreement with this and Roselilyââ¬â¢s thoughts and stories clearly depict the lives of black women as being slaves to both men and to the system.For Roselily this is captured by her arduous work in the sewing factory and the many unsuccessful relationships she has had. Despite the civil rights movement she remains a substandard citizen, there appears to be no equality for African-American women. Whilst Roselily yearns for something better for herself and her children, she does not know how this can be achieved, ââ¬Å"Her place will be in the home he has said, repeatedly, promising her rest she had prayed for. But now she wonders. When she is rested, what will she do? â⬠(Walker, 1). Her situation can be seen to be reflective of the turmoil of her ancestorââ¬â¢s past.Her recognition that she needs more but her inability to recognize how she can achieve this is reminiscent of the black civil rights movements and the plight of the black people in their inability to recognize how they have a presence in America whilst maintaining their history and who they were. Whilst the men of this society seem to have achieved their objective of freedom and rights, the women are still struggling and fighting wars of their own. Both Roselily and Everyday Uses can be seen as representative of Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s view of what it is to be an African-American.She believes that to be such to be to be both African and American: ââ¬Å"to deny the American side of oneââ¬â¢s heritage is disrespectful of oneââ¬â¢s ancestor s and, consequently, harmful to oneââ¬â¢s selfâ⬠. (White, 2001). In Everyday Uses Dee sees her African background as something that can make her American self more interesting and appealing to her peers and friends. Her sister, on the other hand, is concentrated on the here and now. She can recognize all too well the struggles of the past and wants to utilize as something she can build upon in order to survive the future.In Roselily the negative impact of the consolidation of Africa and American traditions upon African American women is represented and is more vividly portrayed. Roselily is a women whose past means that she is unable to see a future for herself that doesnââ¬â¢t depend upon the economic support of a man. The fact that the man to whom she is married remains unnamed throughout the story clearly reflects Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s concerns lie firmly with women. References: Walker, Alice. In Love & Trouble: Stories of Black Women. New York: Harvest Books, 2003. Wh ite, David. ââ¬Å"White.Aââ¬Å"Everyday UseAâ⬠: Defining African-American Heritage.. â⬠Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature. 3 Apr. 2009 . White, Evelyn C.. Alice Walker: A Life. New York: W. W. Norton, 2005. Wood, Kerry Michael. ââ¬Å"Literary analysis: African-American women and heritage in Everyday Use, by Alice Walker ââ¬â by Kerry Michael Wood ââ¬â Helium. â⬠Helium ââ¬â Where Knowledge Rules. 3 Apr. 2009 .
Monday, July 29, 2019
Research strategy for locating sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Research strategy for locating sources - Essay Example Using the outline, I will search for sources in library database using keywords identified from the outline. Thereafter, I should examine the results so as to pinpoint other terminologies and polish the search. It is also vital for one to comprehend what kind of material is situated in the dissimilar types of database that encompass general, discipline, precise, subject-specific and bulletin sources. Lastly, design an approach that will assist with the recall in searching and precision. It is crucial to understand the varieties of information likely to be found in diverse categories of sources and their suitability in tackling the assignment. Some of the source types include websites, newspapers, reference materials, magazines or academic articles. Using the already located books, I look at their works cited so that they can lead me to other sources. To determine if the source is of use or not, I need to peruse through the source or read the outline or abstract of the sources. This w ill give an understanding of the contents of the books or article, which I will gauge whether it will provide information answering parts of the outline. I will keep the strategy since it has been very useful in locating sources I needed to carry out a couple of researchers papers successfully in the past. The outline is very useful in locating sources. It provides a comprehensive coverage, of the areas of study. Thus, with an outline, it is unlikely for one to leave out crucial information on the area of study.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Change management principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Change management principles - Essay Example Emmerichs et al (2004) provides a sound definition of workforce planning stating that it is ââ¬Å"an organizational activity intended to ensure that investment in human capital results in the timely capability to effectively carry out the organizationââ¬â¢s strategic intent.â⬠(Emmerichs et al, 2004, p. ix) Workforce planning is an active phenomenon in Australian corporation, both in governmental and private-sector organizations. In particular, the Australian health workforce is facing a period of major reform with active participation from various national health workforce advisory committees. The best part is that the Australian government provides full support to the health workforce planning and research activities both at the national and state/territory levels. This paper addresses issues relating to the significant reform the workforce planning is going through and what kind of impact it has on the organizational operations. Besides the issue of organizational behavior is also discussed in the paper. Before going into further details, it is important first to look at the strategic planning objectives and the impacts it has on the organization. Strategic workforce planning can be considered as a recent approach in comparison to traditional human resource planning in an organization. The primary objective of a workforce planning is to analyze as well as forecast workforce skills required by the organization to achieve its relevant business strategies. It is important to mention that a workforce planning benefits extensively from the active participation as well as input of different business units within the organization. To be a successful workforce planning, Emmerichs et al (2004) talk about the inclusion of three important factors in the plan: a) active participation of managers, b) accurate and relevant data, and c) appropriate workload and inventory projection models for the effectiveness of
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Affects of Poor Nutrition on Childrens Behavior Research Paper
Affects of Poor Nutrition on Childrens Behavior - Research Paper Example In 2003, Africa had an estimated 200 million children and adults that were under nourished according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations (The State of Food Insecurity in the World, 2003). Malnutrition is the reason for 55% deaths of children under 5 years of age globally. Out of 2.9 million deaths annually in Africa, approximately 0.1 million were as a result of malnourishment (Benson & Shekar). Several statistics are available that show the severity of poor nourishment and to what extent is it prevalent in the world today. According to UNICEF, millions of people Worldwide suffer from varying degrees of brain damages and stunted growth due to different deficiencies. In Sub-Saharan Africa, every third child is underweight and about 20% are found to be stunted (Bekele, 1998). According to research, proper nutrition is a major determinant of a childââ¬â¢s growth starting from as early as the intrauterine period; when the child is in the womb of the mother. Therefore, proper intake of nutrients begins before birth with the mother who bears the child. It is essential for the mother to take a nutritionally balanced diet which has a direct impact on the childââ¬â¢s growth and development. Absence of proper nutrition intake during pregnancy can have a permanent and irreversible impact on the child. Therefore, breast- feeding determines a major chunk of childââ¬â¢s cognitive and other development per se. If the mother herself does not take a healthy diet, it is going to effect the childââ¬â¢s growth negatively. Iron being an important part of brain tissue determines the speed of nerve impulses; which means deficiency of iron in the infancy period is likely to cause permanent damage to brain cells. This results in poor motor skills and abnormalities in behavior. It is also noticed that poorly nourished children find it hard to fight diseases or infections and so they are often found in poor health and
Friday, July 26, 2019
Cell cycle by emphasizing DNA replication Research Paper
Cell cycle by emphasizing DNA replication - Research Paper Example Increase in the number of cells with 2C-DNA content attests that over expression of wild type CDC6 impacts on the cell cycle kinetics. However, this over expression has no effect on cell proliferation. After S phase is complete, CDC6-d2 on the other hand blocks cell cycle progression and inhibits proliferation as cells with 2C DNA pile up; CDC6-d2 does not inhibit DNA replication but it does passage via mitosis. When SCF CDC4 is inactive, dephosphorylation of B subunit can be driven by over expression of the wild type CDC6 in nocodazole arrested cells. This however is not the case as with when the SCF CDC4 is active as over expression of the cells does not lead to dephosphorylation of the B subunit because over expression of CDC6-d2 blocks cells in G2/M by inactivating CDC28-Clb kinase and in a CDC4+ background produces phenotype very much like that produced by the over expression of wild type CDC6 in a CDC4 mutant background. Unlike CDC6-d2 which is stable in nocodazole arrested cells, the wild type protein is not and quickly disappears into the cells thus showing CDC6-d2 as being resistant to mode 3 proteolysis. It is noted however that CDC6-d2 is not affected for mode 1 proteolysis or mode 2 proteolysis but is affected as a substrate for mode 3 proteolysis; a single point mutation yielding transformation from C to T at bp 1103 causing substitution of threonine at amino acid 368 with methionine was pointed out after DNA analysis of the CDC6-d2. There are three glycine and six proline residues in a 50 amino acid residue surrounding this region, triggering belief that this region could be unstructured (Perkins, Lusy & John, 4837). Two other regions were equally examined to check whether their muattions also had some effects on the stability of CDC6. Two CDC6 alleles were constructed using site directed mutagenesis where serine 372 was transformed to alanine (S372A) and in the other, serine 354 was changed alanine
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Spanking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Spanking - Essay Example Human beings develop or grow by observing the surroundings and so they are called as social animals. Children at young age don't have that much understanding to differentiate between genders or elderly people, teachers, family members and friends are the easiest scapegoats. The beginning of spanking may start from people surrounding the child start interfering in their matter and trying to alter their thoughts and at the same time molding them in a way what their parent or guardians need their wards to grow. This noble effort may be a good weapon to blend their children into a multi-talent adolescent, but it may have serious consequences if the child is already preoccupied by thoughts of his own. At this time if someone tries to interfere with their thoughts and intentions, emotions that may burst paving a way of spanking whoever tries to bother them. "When children mould their behavior as ways to avoid pain, they are likely to end up as self-centered and selfish adults." (McCord, 832). Children at tender age can't differentiate between teaching and strict discipline. Their lies a very thin line between teaching and discipline. If the child experiences this he/she may get disturbed and may get averse to the situations and will react unruly. The greatesThe greatest responsibility of molding a child depends on parents, teachers, etc. Students are the building blocks of the society. Teachers should be well versed in their subject, learnt and should have enchanting character which should influence the child to imitate their teachers. One of the reasons for children and adolescents is suspected weakness in themselves or in others. They try to cover up their weaknesses by aggressive behavior and showing the power personally. Effects of Spanking Spanking has diversified and serious effects on adolescents and adults. The effects of spanking have long-standing issues and may stretch thought life span. Short term or long-term spanking tend to have serious mental difficulties on adults. Adults who continue to spank get into serious troubles and commit crimes like, marital violence, child abuse etc. "Even non-abusive spanking, which is accepted as justifiable, appears to be ineffective in changing child behavior." (Larzelere, 824). It also affects the cordial relationship between the family members and friends. As it develops an adult may use more sophisticated form of bullying either directly or indirectly. It has shades of sexually harassing men and women to an adult where if sexually also reported even to moral policies. Adults who continue to spanking tend to become more sophisticated and gets associated with peer groups forming organized social structures with differentiating codes of behavior targeting women and children for personal collective needs.Boys and girls who continue to be spanked and bullied end up getting in to romantic relationships and affairs before marriage and extra marital affairs after marriage. Which effects their relationship and may end up getting divorced through court of law are may get separated with out getting divorced.The
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Written Assignment #4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Written Assignment #4 - Essay Example Byzantine, as the East came to be known has also produced a number of artworks in religious inspiration that became the groundwork which was later on brought and adapted by the Western artists and continued through time with a unified progression. The observations on these understanding can be regarded in how the image of Virgin and Child has changed as rendered by different artists with in different periods. The image of the Byzantine icon of the Madonna and Child on a Curved Throne commences the inspiration for the succeeding paintings that depicted the image of the Virgin and Child in the 13th century. Color plays an important role in the representation of the scene. Prof. Soltes points out that ââ¬Å"We recognize the importance of the symbolic colors, the red of blood of sacrifice, the blue of the sky of truth, the green of spring of resurrectionâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Lecture Fifteen: Early Renaissance Painting in Central Italyâ⬠). Gold is another important color which can be found in abundance in this painting which replaces light in the image. The halo is a symbolism both of the mother and the child where Christââ¬â¢s halo has a crucifix is suggestive of his character as both God and human alongside with his sacrifice. In this painting, Maryââ¬â¢s head is tilted and the child is described as a miniature adult with his hands in that most familiar gesture and with two angels on either side. Cimabueââ¬â¢s Madonna of the Holy Trinity applies the same colors of red and blue but with less gold. Instead of looking at Christ, Mary looks directly and the audience is confronted with her stare. There are a number of angels, a total of eight, surrounding the main image and unlike the first painting the angels here are more mature but still smaller compared to the mother and child seated in the throne. Duccio is regarded to have been an important figure in bringing the Byzantium art into the consciousness of central Italy. In his Maestà ,
Financing Greece and European Union Economy Article
Financing Greece and European Union Economy - Article Example Reports are that Greece wanted to ask the European Union for the write-off of a large part of its debt, something that the EU was difficult to swallow. This would mean the creditor nations to Greece essentially writing off a large part of its loans. It would solve the problem of the large debt of Greece crippling its ability to finance itself because of having to source funds to pay its loans, among other things. On the other hand, the write-off of the debt undermines the EU by sullying the balance sheet of the nations who had been lending money and providing the resources to try and make the Union work financially. In the integrated economy of the EU, every economy either boosts or drains the whole Union, and the problem of Greece, therefore, affects all countries in the EU. The problem is urgent too, owing to the way the problem of Greece, according to the US, likewise can have a long-term negative effect not just on the EU economy but on the American economy as well (Verlaine and Oââ¬â¢Donnell 2015). The problem is that since Greece received aid in 2010 to shore up its economy and to bail it out essentially, the Greek economy has continued to flounder, so much so that since that time the economy has shrunk by 25 percent. Financing its debt, therefore, continues to cripple the already hurting economy, so the Greeks thought of asking the rest of the EU to condone its debt. That being rejected, the Greeks have turned around and asked for a refinancing of its loan essentially. That entails the conversion of its current loans, some of them, into bonds that the other member EU countries can purchase, and whose value is tied to the way the Greek economy performs. This move is the alternative to condoning the debt, and can potentially save Greece from going into default on its loans to the EU and the rest of the world.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Case Study--Customer Relationship Management Heads to the Cloud (ITM Study
--Customer Relationship Management Heads to the Cloud (ITM class) - Case Study Example It is also ideal for large companies with large numbers of customers located in diverse backgrounds. This service is efficient and effective compared to manual systems of processing information about their customers. Small to medium enterprises may not be suitable for this particular service which is specifically designed to accommodate large volumes of data. Small organizations usually process small volumes of data and this can be done internally using the database of the company which can be updated manually using programmes like excel. Though the subscription fee for this service appears to be little, it might be costly to small enterprises since they can easily manage their own databases without the aid of large clouding computing service if they deal with a small number of customers. 2. The main advantage of using cloud based enterprise application is that it is efficient and can process large volumes of data much faster than using manual methods for processing the same amount of data. The other advantage why large companies should adopt this cloud based CRM service is that it can be customised to meet the need of the organization. It also does not take a long period of time to implement since it is specifically designed to suit the information requirements of the company. The other advantage is that this CRM service is web based and it allows the organization to centralise its information services. This allows the managers to track as well as to monitor all information about the customers which gives them knowledge about the measures they can take in order to improve the operations of their organization. This web based service is secure since it ensures that confidential information cannot be removed from the data base. In terms of processing information about many customers, this service is advantageous to large corporations since it makes information processing fairly easy. However, the main disadvantage for using this service is
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Virgin Group Essay Example for Free
The Virgin Group Essay Introduction The Virgin Company à à à à à à à à à à à Founded by Sir Richard Branson, the Virgin group began as a travel company that hosts travel operations from the European regions towards other areas of the world. Aside form the travel operations; the company also caters to package transfer duties that are shipped from UK towards the American and Australian continents. The company has also established a fine relationship towards its sister companies the Virgin Express and the Virgin Blue. à à à à à à à à à à à Later on, the market of the Virgin Group of Companies began to expand. The traditional service that the company offers its clients have greatly taken a leap forward as the management of the company took a chance in venturing in other areas of business industry, which they though would further cater to other essential needs of their companyââ¬â¢s clients. à à à à à à à à à à à à As a result, the establishment of two major rail franchises that sells more than just the usual travel tour packages offered by the Virgin Company. Aside from the focus of the company on travel operations, the franchise establishments also sell entertainment materials such as magazines and music videos and DVD gadgets. There also came the establishment of the Virgin Mega stores that serve as the major mall-like establishments of the company that mostly offer materials in connection with entertainment. à à à à à à à à à à à Aside from the many operations that the Virgin Group of Companies caters to, there are also other services that they still offer the public. The said services include balloon flights, beverages, bridal stores, cosmetics, financial services, health clubs, Internet services, mobile phone services, publishing, and a record label. (2007) à à à à à à à à à à à As closely observed, the entire concern of the company is to provide recreation, entertainment and leisure to its clients. Hence, it could be noticed that most of its market comes from the upper level of the global economy. This directly refers to the fact that most of the clients that are able to appreciate and consume their products and accept their services are those who have the capability to pay for the amount of their business transactions. à à à à à à à à à à à Being in the industry that holds much the competition as it is directly connected to entertainment and travel systems which is now the most in demand services in the society, how are the Virgin group of Companies able to cope up with the competition that is present in the business society? How are they able to refine their strategies of market approach considering that they are considered as a multinational company that has to deal with multicultural society of workers? Aside from this, as the company grows even larger and ventures to different areas of business, how are they able to keep a strong stand in the competitive pace of the global business culture? These questions and more shall be answered on the chapter discussions that follow. CHAPTER 2 The Competitive Strategies of the Virgin Group à à à à à à à à à à à In business, there is always competition. According to Milton Snoeyenbos, ââ¬Å"Competition is the essence of putting up a business and making things happen for a certain companyâ⬠(1992). This is indeed true. As obviously seen today, different types of competition that naturally determines their status in the global business arena govern the global industry of business. Furthermore, Snoeyenbos adds that: à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬Å"the ability of a business entity to keep up with the competition that it is supposed to have engagement with measures its capability of keeping up à with the fast paced development of global trade and industriesâ⬠(1992) à à à à à à à à à à à Certainly, multinational companies, such as the Virgin Group, directly experience such competitive environment of operating in the global market. There are many companies that naturally would want to have the same ââ¬Ëfair shareââ¬â¢ of market especially when it comes to travel operations and entertainment. à It is indeed true that to be able to survive in such a competitive world of business, a company, or a business organization should have a stiff and strong strategy in operating its branches and allies in creating an amiably ample market that would naturally accept the services and the products that they would offer. à à à à à à à à à à à In a typical business operation setting, competition is often referred t as a challenge on the capability of the company to be noticed by the market. This capability is often measured by the profit that the company is able to incur annually. Through recent reports of the world trade organizations, it could be seen that the Virgin Group of companies has fared well in terms of the profit share that they get from the global economy. This means that they are able to attract an ample population of people who appreciates and takes advantage of the services and the products that they offer in the market. à à à à à à à à à à à To be able to understand the entire strategy system that that Virgin Group of Companies uses to be able to survive in the business industry, the said strategies are subdivided into four major parts. Each discussed in their own focus of concern for the companiesââ¬â¢ success. à à à à à à à à à à à The Strategies: Human Resources Control and Motivation à à à à à This the branch of the strategy that creates a fine working environment that the employees of the Virgin Group could be able to find satisfaction in their job, hence, they are highly capable of performing well for their company. à à à à à The other branches of the company, which this specific strategy affects, are the research and development department. As mentioned earlier, the Virgin Group continues in aiming to expand their areas of concern in the business industry. Therefore, through human resources control and motivation strategies, the company is able to empower its employees to work hard and perform well regardless of what culture or nationality they may have come from. Marketing Strategies à à à à à According to the Virgin Group themselves, they have an aim whereas they are able to provide the identity of their clients in the best possible way every time they take advantage of the services and the products offered by the company. Hence, to be able to do so, they say that there are three major purposes of the marketing approach of the company. As it could be quoted, they say: à à à * We genuinely believe in making a difference for consumers. à à à * We deliver quality service by empowering our people. à à à * We love getting feedback ââ¬â it helps us to continually improve each à à à à à à à customers experience through innovation. (Source: 2007) à à à à à Having these guidelines of purpose, they also have questions that help them decide on how to create the best possible marketing strategy that could support the product that they are supposed to launch to the public. The said questions too are quoted as follows: à à à *à Is this an opportunity for restructuring a market and creating à à à à à à à à à à à competitive advantage? à à à * What is the competition doing? à à à * Is the customer confused or badly served? à à à * Is this an opportunity for building the Virgin brand? à à à * Can we add value? à à à * Will it interact with our other businesses? à à à * Is there an appropriate trade-off between risk and reward? (Source: 2007) Furthermore, when the marketing strategy is already strongly proposed and decided upon by the marketing agents of the company, the final decisions are then based upon some outlined reasons of pursuing the products and the brands that have been decided upon and finally releasing them for public consumption. The said considerations are as follows: à à à à * The power of the Virgin name à à à * Richard Bransons personal reputation à à à * Our unrivalled network of friends, contacts and partners à à à * The Virgin management style, and à à à * The way talent is empowered to flourish within the group (Source: 2007) As obviously seen, the main concern of the company, even in marketing purposes is to create for their clients an assurance of being well serviced and well cared for. This factor of concern on the part of the Virgin Groupsââ¬â¢ management team gives them an edge from their competitors in the business industry. Management Strategies à à à à à This involves the ability of the company to balance its focus on the operational activities of the business organization from its personal identity as a provider for both its employees and its clients as the stakeholders of the organization. à à à à à à Through the systematic approach that is used by the Virgin Groups towards its activities, the company is then able to come along with the changes and developments of the business world while directly attending to the needs of their stakeholders. Social Connection Strategies à à à à à The acceptance of the society towards the identity that the company puts up for itself is an essential factor that contributes to the attempt of the company to remain strongly appreciated by the people that it aims to serve. This means that the ability of the company to continuously perform its social duties avails it of the capability to remain strongly competitive within the business arena. à à à à à à à à à à à These four major strategies have long been the assurance that the Virgin Group of Companies have used in their operations in their field of business concern. In this regard, it would be also helpful to know the strategic capabilities of the company. Naturally, it could be noticed that the Virgin Group has been constantly utilizing the Forward integration system of development. As a result, the resources of the company are then assured and the competence as well as the dynamic capabilities of the company is strengthened through the alliance-system. à à à à à à à à à à à What does the forward integration system mean? It could be noticed that through the study that has been presented in this paper so far, the Virgin Group of companies intended to expand through the creation of alliances with other investors n other companies. The establishment of a fine relationship with the owners and the investors as well as the board members of the companies that they have allied with, they are able to expand their operation. As clearly state earlier, the company grew from a travel service provider towards a multinational company that offers a variety of products that include both leisure and entertainment to the public. à à à à à à à à à à à Yes, the success system of the company depended so much on its capability to create alliances with other companies that trusted its reputation and its ownerââ¬â¢s name in the business industry. Now, as a company, the Virgin Group directly plans to dominate the entire entertainment and leisure industry in the global business scene. Certainly, if the competitive systems as well as the strategic capability of the company continue to improve and develop through time, it would not be impossible for this group of companies to completely dominate the worldââ¬â¢s most competitive business arena. CHAPTER 3 The Company and Its Stakeholders à à à à à à à à à à à As discussed in earlier chapters, there are mainly three stakeholders of the Virgin group of Companies, which in many areas affect the major activities that the company performs in their daily global operations. The stakeholders include the company management and its employees, the clients that are being served by the company, and the society that it serves its responsibility to. à à à à à à à à à à à In accordance with the stakeholder mapping system, the said subdivision of stakeholders could still be narrowed down to five major types depending on whether they oppose or support the company involved in the society. With the existence of the stakeholders, the control of the company operations is a factor that remains to be an essential matter of concern for the company management themselves. As obviously seen, each stakeholder have his or her own demand from the company activities. The management and the employees as for example, demands profit and income entities, while the consumers demand service and quality products from the company. The society in turn requires that the company give them what they are due; this could include the tax responsibilities of the company towards the local government of the communities, which they are a part of. Hence, if they are able to attend to the said social responsibility then they are able to help the community, which they are operating in, and in return, they gain full support from the society, which could in the future generate amiable profits for their company as they are transformed to becoming supporters of the business. à à à à à à à à à à à The Virgin Group of Companies sees to it that they are able to meet the needs of all the stakeholders involve in their business operations as they are mentioned above. The constancy of the concern of the Virgin Group of companies towards their employees, their clients and the society, which they serve, [which may also include the culturally diverse nature of their organization] is certainly the reason why they have been operating as long as they have been and is currently continuously growing through the developments of global business trends. Alternative Strategies for Growth and Expansion (examined through SWOT analysis) à à à à à à à à à à à Although the outlined evidences of the sturdiness of the Virgin Group of Companiesââ¬â¢ status in the business industry, it could not be denied that there could be some instances that some of their traditional strategies may not be that capable of meeting the challenges of the new area of endeavor of the company. As for example, the companyââ¬â¢s management team is sure to have their own plans of opening establishments in several other parts of the globe to be able to directly expand the market that is influenced by the said multinational group of companies. In Asia as for example, there are several points of consideration that the company organizers should attend to before they could actually perform business operations in Asian countries. Hence, the following list of alternative strategies could be integrated in the existing business approach of the Virgin Group of Companies: Cultural Knowledge of the Country being targeted à à à à à This involves the capability of the company to have a research on what products and services that the company already offers cold suit the needs of the people in a certain country without offending their traditional culture. It could not be denied that there are still countries [especially in Asia] that are directly influenced by their cultural heritage. As a result, the companies, which are planning to establish branches in such areas, are advised to take full concern of the cultural background of the country to be able to fit in the society. This would naturally address the social responsibility of the company. Legalities and Registration in the Local Governments à à à à à Most of the suggested alternatives concern the social responsibilities of the company. This is simply because of the fact that the ability of the company to expand depends on the acceptance of the society that it aims to serve. à à à à à The legalities and registration to local governments involves the tax-responsibilities of the company. Their knowledge of the business legalities and policies that their target countries imply should help them create a fine working environment with their new society and would might as well create for them a credible reputation. à à à à à à à à à à à The author of this paper using the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis has directly analyzed these two major suggestions as alternatives. Through the said analysis, it has been noticed that the competitiveness of the Virgin Group amidst the wide expansion plans that it might have in the future would be well guarded. As mentioned earlier, the suggestions are more focused on the social responsibility of the company. This is highly suggested by the author, as this is believed by the author as the key towards a multinational, multicultural companyââ¬â¢s success in the business industry. The SWOT Analysis Discussion Strengths- the suggested alternative, as clearly observed is a focus on the cultural knowledge of the company with regards the communities that they ought to influence, or in some other terms, target as a market source. Being culturally and legally knowledgeable of the social systems of the new community gives them an edge from other companies who have lesser care on the way they are able to meet their responsibilities to the society and put much priority on the profit goals of the company. Weaknesses- since the suggestions involve research and development strategies on the part of the company management, the issue on the funding systems may become a reason for the weakness of the suggested approach. However, through systematic arrangement, the said alternative could be proven efficient. Opportunities- The alternatives open the expansion opportunities for the Virgin Group. The said expansion operations being mainly targeted upon the Asian countries which are known to have high cultural attachment to their origins. Being able to apply the alternatives would naturally help the entire company to win the heart of Asians. Threats- the threats to the approach that has been suggested in here could be regarding the fact that other researches of the company regarding the cultural shift of the market that they intend to target may become available to others and may in some ways be used against their plans. Hence, there is a need for a certain measure of security that should be applied upon the researches of the company. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION à à à à à à à à à à à It has been most certainly clear that through this study, the strengths of the Virgin Group of Companies have been outlined for better understanding. The well known reputation of the said group of companies in their ability to survive competition amidst the expansion operations that they have incurred through company alliances have been determined as the key factor of success for the Virgin group. à à à à à à à à à à à The systematic strategy that the whole organization applies in its daily operations has directly implied the strong foundation of the companiesââ¬â¢ existence in the society. Their constant attendance on the responsibilities that they have towards their stakeholders has naturally created for them a fine environment of work and operations. à à à à à à à à à à à Certainly, the expertise that the management team of the Virgin group has on global expansion has ensured them of continuous success in providing the best service and the quality products to their clients. In return, the said managerial strategies also create for them an assurance of growing profit in the years yet to come. 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Sunday, July 21, 2019
Relationship Between Health Status and Systemic Inflammation
Relationship Between Health Status and Systemic Inflammation Participants The Tianjin Chronic Low-grade Systemic Inflammation and Health (TCLSIH or TCLSIHealth) cohort study is a observational study was based on annual health examinations conducted in Tianjin Medical University General Hospital Health Management Center in Tianjin, China[13, 14], and focused on the relationship between chronic low-grade systemic inflammation and the health status. Participants, who had received health examinations, including medical examinations, such as blood tests, abdominal ultrasonography, anthropometric parameters (height and body weight) etc., and had completed questionnaires regarding their smoking and drinking habits and disease history over the course of January 2007 to December 2015, were recruited. Moreover, a detailed lifestyle questionnaire covering economic level, marital status, employment status, educational levels, physical activity, sleep habits, dietary habits, overall computer/mobile device usage times, television time, history of prior infections, and u se of medicines as well as physical performance tests were administered to randomly selected subjects from this population since May 2013. The protocol of the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Tianjin Medical University, and written informed consent was obtained from each participant. A total of XXXX subjects participated in this study. However, participants who had a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus, or who missed information on hs-CRP, IMT or plaques were not included in the present study. After excluding those subjects, the final cross-sectional analysis population comprised 8000 participants including 6009 subjects with normal blood glucose metabolic status, 1428 subjects with pre-diabetes and 563 subjects with diabetes. Assessment of T2DM Fasting blood glucose (FBG) was measured by the glucose oxidase method. Blood samples for analysis of HbA1c were mixed with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (as an anticoagulant) before testing. HbA1c separation and quantification were performed using a high-performance liquid chromatography analyser (HLC-723 G8; Tosoh, Tokyo, Japan) with intra- and interassay coefficients of variation of
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Analysis Dissertation
Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Analysis Dissertation This dissertation focuses on the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh; the origins of the conflict, its present state and the possible future. Throughout the dissertation several key aspects and theories of International relations are analysed, such as: peoples right to self determination, the concept of nation-state and conflict resolution. Firstly, the relevant theories of International relations are explored and an attempt is made to compare them with reality and to show their use in the real world. Secondly, a historical background of the conflict is described, followed by a description of the conflict from 1988 to 1995 and the peace talks. Thirdly, an analysis of the future of NK is examined, pointing out possible solutions and forms of reconciliation. Moreover, relevant questions are individually looked at. For over ten years NK has been on a path of nation-state building. NK sees itself as an independent republic, even with lack of international recognition. NK has a population of 141,000 and an area that covers 11,458.38Ãâà km2. (Official website of the President of NK, , accessed on March 2, 2011). The map below show the situation of NK, they show both the NK Autonomous Oblast and the present NK state boundaries that include the occupied territories of Azerbaijan: THEORY: RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION As this dissertation deals with the de facto state of Nagorno-Karabakh, it analyses and explores International Law concerning peoples right to self determination and the consequent recognition of their state. Chapter 1, Article 1, part 2 of the United Nations Charter created in 1945 states that the aim of the UN is to: Develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace?. Article 1, part 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 states the following: All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development?. (United Nations Charter 1945, available at: [accessed March 2 2011]) Moreover, the Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations of 24th October 1970 declares that: By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.? (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, available at [accessed march 2 2011]) The establishment of a sovereign and independent State, the free association or integration with an independent State or the emergence into any other political status freely determined by a people constitute modes of implementing the right of self-determination by that people?. (UN General Assembly, Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1970,Ãâà available at:Ãâà [accessed March 2 2011] ). These legal statements show the core understanding and acceptance of the international community regarding the idea of peoples right to self determination. Even though some core aspects of these declarations can be vague in their practical sense, their overall message is not contested. By taking into account these and other declarations, the case for the people of NK becomes clearer. Presently, the problem lies with the idea that NK peoples right to self determination collides with Azerbaijans right to sovereignty, so what is the solution? According to Dr. Otto Luchterhandt, the director of East European Research Department (University of Hamburg): The right to self-determination is not only a political principle but a rule of existing international law. The people of Nagorny Karabakh are the subject of the right to self-determination. The people of Nagorny Karabakh can claim for the highest level fulfilment of the law of self-determination ââ¬Å" secession from the state of Azerbaijan because on the one hand its restriction to the status of a national minority stands in no reasonable relation to its legitimate interests in development and protection, and on the other hand the measure of its oppression has reached such unbearable proportions, that remaining in the federation of Azerbaijan has become unacceptable and it has announced it will for self-determination in an unmistakable and convincing manner.? (Luchterhandt, Nagorny Karabakhs Right to State Independence According to International Law, Boston, 1993) To use international law in a discussion in the case for NK, specific proof has to be shown. There is also the argument that juridical legitimacy of borders and territorial integrity works against the self-determination principle, however this cannot be taken into account in the case of Azerbaijan SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic). Firstly, it must be stated that NK was an autonomous oblast (an administrative unit) within the Azerbaijan SSR, and that Azerbaijan SSR was not defined by state borders, it was defined by administrative borders, therefore the Helsinki Agreement Final Act in 1975 concerning territorial integrity cannot be applied. As Francois Mitterrand said: Why should the interior administrative borders of a state be automatically recognised as international ones? (Zargarian,1999). Secondly, on the 31st August 19941 the Azerbaijan SSR confirmed the restoration of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan that had been created from 1918 to 1920. This declaration leaves to question the legality of the present Azerbaijans borders, including the territories of NK, territories surrounding NK and Nakhijevan, as none of these were part of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. In addition, it is well documented that in December 1920, Azerbaijan SSR accepted the territories of NK and Nakhijevan as belonging to Armenia. These declarations were later altered by Stalin, which at the times was Commissar of Nationalities. To further analyse, the value of state sovereignty of Azerbaijan should be graded as lower than the importance of sovereignty of a state in a normal situation, with reference to the system of states in the League of Nations, therefore it is lower than the NK peoples right to self determination. (Raschhofer, 1960) This notion gives support to the national right to self-determination of NKs people in right to secession over Azerbaijans state sovereignty. (Luchterhandt, 1993). To conclude, as the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh was founded after a referendum on state independence on 10th December 1991, resulting in a 98% acceptance, and in agreement with international and Soviet law, it should ultimately be acknowledged as genuine under international law. Moreover, precedent of Eritrea can be used, which showed that self proclamation leads to be under the power of international law. NK relationship with other countries, international organisations, and treaties such as the Geneva Convention, all give power for self-determination. HISTORY The name Nagorno-Karabakh has a mixture of 3 languages; Nagorno is in Russian meaning mountainous?, and Karabakh is in Turkic and Farsi meaning Black Garden?. However, the Armenians call it Artsakh, as it was one of the provinces of Greater Armenia, and it is mentioned as early as second century BC: the ancient provinces of Artsakh and Utik, situated between Lake Sevan, river Kara and river Araxes. (Strabo, 1st century BC.) During the centuries, NK has been mainly populated by ethnic Armenians, however there were periods in which during conquests other ethnic groups would settle, such as Caucasian Tatars, Caucasian Albanians (no connection to Albanians in Balkans), Persians and Turkic tribes. The recent conflict with Azerbaijan has unleashed a historical fact finding war, where the Azeris lay historical claims to these lands, and the Armenians refute them. The people living in NK point out to the obvious evidence, such as hundreds of ruins, ancient monuments, religious building, churches and monasteries. (Tchilingirian,1999). As one farmer said in regard to this: This monastery (Monastery of Gandzasar) kept us Armenian, the writings on these walls made us know who we are. There is a khachkar (cross-stone), the size of a car, on top of this mountain; our ancestors placed it there to indicate that this is Armenian land? (Martakert, 1995). To review the history of Artsakh a new dissertation can be written, therefore to keep in line with this dissertation, a review of more recent history is made. After 1918, when the Georgians, Armenians and Azeris took advantage of the chaos of the Russian Revolution to establish independent states, war broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan, however by 1921 all three republic were under the rule of the Red Army. (Swietochowski, 1985) Originally, the Bolsheviks determined NKs problem: The Chairman of the Azerbaijani Revolutionary Committee (Azrevkom), Narimanov declared: The government of Workers and Peasants of Azerbaijan, having heard the news of the proclamation in Armenia in the name of the insurgent peasantry of the Soviet Socialist Republic, salutes the victory of the fraternal Armenian people. From this day forward, the former borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan are suspended. Mountainous Karabagh, Zangezur, and Nakhichevan are recognized as integral parts of the Socialist Republic of Armenia. Long live the fraternity and union of workers and peasants of Soviet Armenia and Azerbaijan.? (L. Chorbajian, P. Donabedian, C. Mutafian, 1994) The decision by Narimanov was acclaimed by the ethnic Armenians which thought that it was a fair decision. Moreover, Narimanov declared: no territorial conflict will cause bloodshed between these two age-old neighbourly peoples?. ( Chorbajian, Donabedian, Mutafian, 1994). Yerevans central authority henceforth declared: Based on the declaration of (Azrevkom)à ¦it is hereby declared that Mountainous Karabagh is henceforth an integral part of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Armenia? (Libaridian, 2004) This announcement was never realised, even if it was at the beginning supported by Stalin. Stalins view was that Karabagh should be given to Azerbaijan, in an effort to increase friendly relations with Turkey, which by then had aspirations to be a communist state. (Lane, 1992) It must be understood that Turks and Azeris are ethnically the same people. Even though the decision over NK was reached on July 4th 1921 in the Kavburo (Caucasian Bureau of the Communist Party): Based on the declaration of (Azrevkom)à ¦it is hereby declared that Mountainous Karabagh is henceforth an integral part of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Armenia? (Libaridian, 2004) The Kars and Moscow treaties were signed in October, giving Azerbaijan the control of NK. Thus, NKs Armenian populations (90% of NK) desire to unite with Armenia was ignored, creating ethnic tensions that would eventually end in full scale war. The Armenians tried to relocate NK to Armenia SSR in 1929, 1935, 1963, 1966, 1977 and 1987. The main reasons were the anti-Armenian discrimination, demographic shifts and economic underdevelopment. (Ulubabian, 1994) The Armenian population had declined by 25% from 1920 to 1979, due to hardships created by these discriminatory attitudes. The modern conflict started on February 1988, when due to the glasnost policy created by Gorbachev and its subsequent openness, the NK authorities asked to transfer the NK Autonomous Oblast to Armenia SSR. The reaction in Azerbaijan SSR was negative, as in 13th June it rejected this demand, on the other hand Armenia SSR on 15th June gave acceptance to this request. Due to the argument between Azerbaijan SSR and Armenia SSR, Moscow had to decide, and since Articles 73 and 78 of the 1977 USSR Constitution states that borders may only be changed if both republics agree on the change, NK stayed under Azerbaijans SSR authority, until the Soviet Union broke down in 1991. The conflict itself started with violence and ethnic-cleansing, with guerrilla warfare. Pogroms against Armenians started in Sumgait (near Baku) in February 1988 and in January 1990 in Baku. The Armenians of Baku (approximately 220,000) and from other parts of Azerbaijan were forced to flee, except in areas of NK. In return, Azeris in Armenia (160,000) were forced to leave, however no pogroms and mass violence was recorded, unlike in Baku. It was not until Yeltsin came to power that Russia sided with the Armenians, as before the USSR broke down the USSR Army was helping the Azeris. The Russians helped the Armenians with weapons, fuel and logistical support. The reason the Russians sided with the Armenians was because it was against Azerbaijans pro-Turkey and pro-Western positions. (Betts, 1999). Russias view was that Armenia was its only ally in the South Caucasus, and due to its geopolitical situation in regard to Turkey in Iran, help should be given. Full scale war broke out between 1991 and 1994 among the Azeri Army and the irregular Armenian guerrilla fighters. At the beginnings of 1992 the Azeris were in control of nearly half of NK, forcing out Armenian civilians as they advanced. Spring 1992 was when the advantage turned towards the Armenians, as their offensive pushed the Azeris to retreat. Once the city of Shushi was captured in May 8 1992, the Armenians had control of NK and the surrounding territories. It must be noted that the Armenian side was mostly fought by guerrilla fighters, which did not respond to any central authority in NK or Armenia. Most of the fighters or Fedayeen (Freedom Fighters), as the Armenians call them, were ordinary people without training or military weapons. The Armenians were helped by the Diaspora, which sent money, weapons and volunteers to help. The Azeri side brought mercenaries from Chechnya and mujahedeen from Pakistan and Afghanistan (approximately 3,000 fighters). (Taarnby, Michael. 2008 ) In May 1994 a cease fire was signed with Russia as intermediary in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The ceasefire was signed by the Azerbaijani authorities and General Babayan from the NK Armed forces. The result of the war was that the Armenians ended up controlling 20% of Azerbaijans territory. An estimated 4,500 people died and 25,00 wounded from the Armenian side, and an estimated 30,000 died and 60,000 wounded on the Azeri side. (De Waal, 2003). CEASE FIRE AND PEACE TALKS Before the ceasefire agreement mediated by Russia, several attempts were made to find a solution. The first attempt was by Boris Yeltsin and Nursultan Nazarbayev on September 1991, it gave no fruit. Next mediation was by Iran on February 1992. Since Irans historical relationship with both the Armenians and the Azeris was close, it attempted to increase its dominance in the region, especially to push Turkey aside. The Tehran conference did not reach to any agreement. After this, CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) started to arbitrate, it also pressed Iran out of the negotiations, as the latter was not a member of CSCE, On August 1992, Nazarbayev tried again, but the mediation led to nowhere. CSCE tried on several occasions from 1992 until December 1994 to reach an agreement for both sides, but its inexperience and Russias parallel involvement made it fail. From May 1994, when the ceasefire was signed, several propositions were laid on the negotiation table, but NK was only to agree to a complete package?, while Azerbaijan pushed for a step by step? approach. ( Mooradian, 1999) To date, there has been no concrete agreement between the two parts. The main mediator is the Minsk Group, created in 1993 by the CSCE (now OSCE), even though the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan have met on various occasions, NKs government is still left out of any negotiations. CAN KOSOVO BE USED AS AN EXAMPLE? After the recognition of Kosovos independence, many other de facto states looked closely to see if it would set an example. Even though the states that have recognised Kosovo state that Kosovo cannot be used as a precedent, others may argue that it can and has. The main reason the international community uses to implicate the uniqueness of Kosovo is that it has been under UN and international control, while other de facto states like NK, Abkhazia and South Ossetia have not. To analyse the relevance of Kosovo, a comparison is made. The similarities with NK are various: both consist of a minority that sees itself discriminated, both conflicts started in an era of transition brought by the disintegration of the Soviet Union, both held referendums and used the peoples right to self determination idea. The differences must also be noted: NK can argue that before the transition era, it already was an Autonomous Oblast. NK has existed for longer, with relative better stability, and has made more progress on state-building, even though it received less international attention and financial support. (Murinson, 2004) Other differences are that NK is not accepted as a negotiating part in the peace process, Armenia acts as its representative. It can be argued that the Kosovo can be used as an example of a state gaining independence, however, the international community argues that it is a unique case, however this does not limit the political ramifications it has brought. Kosovos independence has given hope to other de facto states, who argue that in all, they should have a better chance in gaining independence than Kosovo. As the former President of NK stated: If the world community is ready to recognize the independence of Kosovo, I think it will be very hard for them to explain why they do not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh? (Yakubyan, 2006) And as the Speaker of NK Parliament said: A serious basis for the international recognition of our sovereignty, we have held free elections for 16 years, law-enforcement bodies are formed, powers are divided, [the] army is under civil control? (Karabakh Has Serious Grounds for International Recognition of SovereigntyÃâà «, in: Karabakh Open, 20 February 2008) To explain why Kosovo deserves international recognition and other de facto states in very similar positions do not is very hard, even by the same international community that accepted Kosovos independence. The reasons can vary from the official statement that Kosovo has been under international control, while other have not, but it is also correct to assume that other factors such as mutual interests among regional powers. Russias involvement in the NK peace process has many times thrown the Minsk Groups propositions away, as Russia can benefit from the no peace no war? situation over NK: it sells arms and heavy weaponry to both Armenia and Azerbaijan, arming both sides. WHY HAS ARMENIA NOT RECOGNISED NKS INDEPENDENCE? This question is very interesting in the sense that it would be logical that Armenia should be the first country in recognising the independence of NK, however there is one main reason of why it has not. The official Armenian response to these questions is that since Armenia has started: An international legal process of settlement of the Nagorno-KarabakhÃâà conflict, and this is why Armenia has still not recognized the enclaves independence? ItÃâà is forÃâà theÃâà same reason that Armenia has not recognized the independence of Kosovo, OlegÃâà Yesayan,Ãâà ArmenianÃâà ambassadorÃâà toÃâà Belarus. (Alima Bissenova. (2008). Armenia links issue of Abkhazia, S. Ossetia to N.-Karabakh. Available: Last accessed 20th January 2011.) However, due to the recent statements by Azerbaijan of taking NK back by force has made the Armenian side declare that it would recognise NK if war started: Armenia is categorically against a military resolution of the problem. In the event Azerbaijan unleashes a new military venture, Armenia will have no other choice but to recognize de jure the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and provide for the safety of its population through all means,? President of Armenia, Serge Sarkisian Astana, Kazakhstan, December 2010. EuroAsia. (2010). Armenia Says Will Recognize Karabakh In Case Of War. Available: Last accessed 20th January 2011 One could argue that Armenia should recognise NK, in the same manner as Russia has recognised Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The recognition of NK would give Armenia legal right to aid NK in case war started with Azerbaijan. Moreover, some argue that if Armenia does not recognise NK in the foreseeable future, the status and issue of NK could be forgotten to history, as it would lose its momentum in the pursuit for recognition. RECOMENDATIONS From the overall analysis of the NK conflict and other similar conflicts around the world, some basic and concrete to the NK case recommendations can be made: OSCE and other international peace organisations should look to include NK in the negotiation process as an independent actor, like they did with the ceasefire agreement. International organisations should pave the way to stipulate better assurances for non resumption of armed conflict. The line of fire should be closely observed for ceasefire violations. Programs should be developed in order to teach both societies about tolerance, reconciliation and mutual respect. International organisations should look to integrate the public in debates and discussions, and rely less on top-down approaches. (Faber, 2005) International organisations should push for a peacekeeping force to be deployed on the contact line, it should also try to organise a new referendum under the eyes of international observers, henceforth push for a lawful democratisation and a peace settlement. (Freizer, 2006) Governments in Armenia, NK, and Azerbaijan should start to include conflict resolution and prevention, peace building and peacekeeping, human rights programmes at schools and universities, in order to increase public awareness. NGOs should create projects along with the civil society to educate the population about the conflict and conciliation for peace. Finally, an international recognition of NK would ensure a peaceful settlement of the conflict, and would make NK answerable to international law. Moreover, NK would have access to loans from the IMF or the WB, thus being able to develop better as a state. Open borders with Azerbaijan would bolster trade, and maybe bring trust between the people. CONCLUSION The conflict of NK is very complicated to be able to analyse without going into much detail. There are many arguments for and against certain strategies, using international law, international recognition, state sovereignty, refugees, and many others, but one thing is being ignored; the fact that NK has been acting like any other recognised democratic state for over 15 years. NKs human rights violations, degree of democracy and transparency and corruption are all better than Armenia or Azerbaijan, (Freedom House, 2011) yet still there is little advance among the international community in recognising NK. Some may add that the West uses double standards: Weve got used to the double standards of the West. I believe that the people of South Ossetia have much more reason for gaining independence than the Kosovan Albanians.? (Yuri Morozov, Prime Minister of South Ossetia). In my opinion, the West does not fully use double standards, but approaches the question very surgically, since it un derstands the uniqueness of every conflict, and that it could be disastrous to use one peace settlement in another area, as every conflict has its own inimitable dynamics. I think that NK pace to independence is correct, as sooner or later it will have to be recognised, it should continue developing its government in order to set an example. In the near future two outcomes are possible, either an international recognition of NK or war will break out, it is inevitable, as both sides continue arming themselves, therefore it in my opinion it is in the best interest that of the international community to prevent such hostilities by recognizing NK. As Chekov said: If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise dont put it there. (A. P. Chekhov, in Teatr i iskusstvo 1904, No. 28, 11 July, p. 521) Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Analysis Dissertation Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Analysis Dissertation This dissertation focuses on the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh; the origins of the conflict, its present state and the possible future. Throughout the dissertation several key aspects and theories of International relations are analysed, such as: peoples right to self determination, the concept of nation-state and conflict resolution. Firstly, the relevant theories of International relations are explored and an attempt is made to compare them with reality and to show their use in the real world. Secondly, a historical background of the conflict is described, followed by a description of the conflict from 1988 to 1995 and the peace talks. Thirdly, an analysis of the future of NK is examined, pointing out possible solutions and forms of reconciliation. Moreover, relevant questions are individually looked at. For over ten years NK has been on a path of nation-state building. NK sees itself as an independent republic, even with lack of international recognition. NK has a population of 141,000 and an area that covers 11,458.38Ãâà km2. (Official website of the President of NK, , accessed on March 2, 2011). The map below show the situation of NK, they show both the NK Autonomous Oblast and the present NK state boundaries that include the occupied territories of Azerbaijan: THEORY: RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION As this dissertation deals with the de facto state of Nagorno-Karabakh, it analyses and explores International Law concerning peoples right to self determination and the consequent recognition of their state. Chapter 1, Article 1, part 2 of the United Nations Charter created in 1945 states that the aim of the UN is to: Develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace?. Article 1, part 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 states the following: All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development?. (United Nations Charter 1945, available at: [accessed March 2 2011]) Moreover, the Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations of 24th October 1970 declares that: By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.? (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, available at [accessed march 2 2011]) The establishment of a sovereign and independent State, the free association or integration with an independent State or the emergence into any other political status freely determined by a people constitute modes of implementing the right of self-determination by that people?. (UN General Assembly, Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1970,Ãâà available at:Ãâà [accessed March 2 2011] ). These legal statements show the core understanding and acceptance of the international community regarding the idea of peoples right to self determination. Even though some core aspects of these declarations can be vague in their practical sense, their overall message is not contested. By taking into account these and other declarations, the case for the people of NK becomes clearer. Presently, the problem lies with the idea that NK peoples right to self determination collides with Azerbaijans right to sovereignty, so what is the solution? According to Dr. Otto Luchterhandt, the director of East European Research Department (University of Hamburg): The right to self-determination is not only a political principle but a rule of existing international law. The people of Nagorny Karabakh are the subject of the right to self-determination. The people of Nagorny Karabakh can claim for the highest level fulfilment of the law of self-determination ââ¬Å" secession from the state of Azerbaijan because on the one hand its restriction to the status of a national minority stands in no reasonable relation to its legitimate interests in development and protection, and on the other hand the measure of its oppression has reached such unbearable proportions, that remaining in the federation of Azerbaijan has become unacceptable and it has announced it will for self-determination in an unmistakable and convincing manner.? (Luchterhandt, Nagorny Karabakhs Right to State Independence According to International Law, Boston, 1993) To use international law in a discussion in the case for NK, specific proof has to be shown. There is also the argument that juridical legitimacy of borders and territorial integrity works against the self-determination principle, however this cannot be taken into account in the case of Azerbaijan SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic). Firstly, it must be stated that NK was an autonomous oblast (an administrative unit) within the Azerbaijan SSR, and that Azerbaijan SSR was not defined by state borders, it was defined by administrative borders, therefore the Helsinki Agreement Final Act in 1975 concerning territorial integrity cannot be applied. As Francois Mitterrand said: Why should the interior administrative borders of a state be automatically recognised as international ones? (Zargarian,1999). Secondly, on the 31st August 19941 the Azerbaijan SSR confirmed the restoration of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan that had been created from 1918 to 1920. This declaration leaves to question the legality of the present Azerbaijans borders, including the territories of NK, territories surrounding NK and Nakhijevan, as none of these were part of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. In addition, it is well documented that in December 1920, Azerbaijan SSR accepted the territories of NK and Nakhijevan as belonging to Armenia. These declarations were later altered by Stalin, which at the times was Commissar of Nationalities. To further analyse, the value of state sovereignty of Azerbaijan should be graded as lower than the importance of sovereignty of a state in a normal situation, with reference to the system of states in the League of Nations, therefore it is lower than the NK peoples right to self determination. (Raschhofer, 1960) This notion gives support to the national right to self-determination of NKs people in right to secession over Azerbaijans state sovereignty. (Luchterhandt, 1993). To conclude, as the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh was founded after a referendum on state independence on 10th December 1991, resulting in a 98% acceptance, and in agreement with international and Soviet law, it should ultimately be acknowledged as genuine under international law. Moreover, precedent of Eritrea can be used, which showed that self proclamation leads to be under the power of international law. NK relationship with other countries, international organisations, and treaties such as the Geneva Convention, all give power for self-determination. HISTORY The name Nagorno-Karabakh has a mixture of 3 languages; Nagorno is in Russian meaning mountainous?, and Karabakh is in Turkic and Farsi meaning Black Garden?. However, the Armenians call it Artsakh, as it was one of the provinces of Greater Armenia, and it is mentioned as early as second century BC: the ancient provinces of Artsakh and Utik, situated between Lake Sevan, river Kara and river Araxes. (Strabo, 1st century BC.) During the centuries, NK has been mainly populated by ethnic Armenians, however there were periods in which during conquests other ethnic groups would settle, such as Caucasian Tatars, Caucasian Albanians (no connection to Albanians in Balkans), Persians and Turkic tribes. The recent conflict with Azerbaijan has unleashed a historical fact finding war, where the Azeris lay historical claims to these lands, and the Armenians refute them. The people living in NK point out to the obvious evidence, such as hundreds of ruins, ancient monuments, religious building, churches and monasteries. (Tchilingirian,1999). As one farmer said in regard to this: This monastery (Monastery of Gandzasar) kept us Armenian, the writings on these walls made us know who we are. There is a khachkar (cross-stone), the size of a car, on top of this mountain; our ancestors placed it there to indicate that this is Armenian land? (Martakert, 1995). To review the history of Artsakh a new dissertation can be written, therefore to keep in line with this dissertation, a review of more recent history is made. After 1918, when the Georgians, Armenians and Azeris took advantage of the chaos of the Russian Revolution to establish independent states, war broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan, however by 1921 all three republic were under the rule of the Red Army. (Swietochowski, 1985) Originally, the Bolsheviks determined NKs problem: The Chairman of the Azerbaijani Revolutionary Committee (Azrevkom), Narimanov declared: The government of Workers and Peasants of Azerbaijan, having heard the news of the proclamation in Armenia in the name of the insurgent peasantry of the Soviet Socialist Republic, salutes the victory of the fraternal Armenian people. From this day forward, the former borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan are suspended. Mountainous Karabagh, Zangezur, and Nakhichevan are recognized as integral parts of the Socialist Republic of Armenia. Long live the fraternity and union of workers and peasants of Soviet Armenia and Azerbaijan.? (L. Chorbajian, P. Donabedian, C. Mutafian, 1994) The decision by Narimanov was acclaimed by the ethnic Armenians which thought that it was a fair decision. Moreover, Narimanov declared: no territorial conflict will cause bloodshed between these two age-old neighbourly peoples?. ( Chorbajian, Donabedian, Mutafian, 1994). Yerevans central authority henceforth declared: Based on the declaration of (Azrevkom)à ¦it is hereby declared that Mountainous Karabagh is henceforth an integral part of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Armenia? (Libaridian, 2004) This announcement was never realised, even if it was at the beginning supported by Stalin. Stalins view was that Karabagh should be given to Azerbaijan, in an effort to increase friendly relations with Turkey, which by then had aspirations to be a communist state. (Lane, 1992) It must be understood that Turks and Azeris are ethnically the same people. Even though the decision over NK was reached on July 4th 1921 in the Kavburo (Caucasian Bureau of the Communist Party): Based on the declaration of (Azrevkom)à ¦it is hereby declared that Mountainous Karabagh is henceforth an integral part of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Armenia? (Libaridian, 2004) The Kars and Moscow treaties were signed in October, giving Azerbaijan the control of NK. Thus, NKs Armenian populations (90% of NK) desire to unite with Armenia was ignored, creating ethnic tensions that would eventually end in full scale war. The Armenians tried to relocate NK to Armenia SSR in 1929, 1935, 1963, 1966, 1977 and 1987. The main reasons were the anti-Armenian discrimination, demographic shifts and economic underdevelopment. (Ulubabian, 1994) The Armenian population had declined by 25% from 1920 to 1979, due to hardships created by these discriminatory attitudes. The modern conflict started on February 1988, when due to the glasnost policy created by Gorbachev and its subsequent openness, the NK authorities asked to transfer the NK Autonomous Oblast to Armenia SSR. The reaction in Azerbaijan SSR was negative, as in 13th June it rejected this demand, on the other hand Armenia SSR on 15th June gave acceptance to this request. Due to the argument between Azerbaijan SSR and Armenia SSR, Moscow had to decide, and since Articles 73 and 78 of the 1977 USSR Constitution states that borders may only be changed if both republics agree on the change, NK stayed under Azerbaijans SSR authority, until the Soviet Union broke down in 1991. The conflict itself started with violence and ethnic-cleansing, with guerrilla warfare. Pogroms against Armenians started in Sumgait (near Baku) in February 1988 and in January 1990 in Baku. The Armenians of Baku (approximately 220,000) and from other parts of Azerbaijan were forced to flee, except in areas of NK. In return, Azeris in Armenia (160,000) were forced to leave, however no pogroms and mass violence was recorded, unlike in Baku. It was not until Yeltsin came to power that Russia sided with the Armenians, as before the USSR broke down the USSR Army was helping the Azeris. The Russians helped the Armenians with weapons, fuel and logistical support. The reason the Russians sided with the Armenians was because it was against Azerbaijans pro-Turkey and pro-Western positions. (Betts, 1999). Russias view was that Armenia was its only ally in the South Caucasus, and due to its geopolitical situation in regard to Turkey in Iran, help should be given. Full scale war broke out between 1991 and 1994 among the Azeri Army and the irregular Armenian guerrilla fighters. At the beginnings of 1992 the Azeris were in control of nearly half of NK, forcing out Armenian civilians as they advanced. Spring 1992 was when the advantage turned towards the Armenians, as their offensive pushed the Azeris to retreat. Once the city of Shushi was captured in May 8 1992, the Armenians had control of NK and the surrounding territories. It must be noted that the Armenian side was mostly fought by guerrilla fighters, which did not respond to any central authority in NK or Armenia. Most of the fighters or Fedayeen (Freedom Fighters), as the Armenians call them, were ordinary people without training or military weapons. The Armenians were helped by the Diaspora, which sent money, weapons and volunteers to help. The Azeri side brought mercenaries from Chechnya and mujahedeen from Pakistan and Afghanistan (approximately 3,000 fighters). (Taarnby, Michael. 2008 ) In May 1994 a cease fire was signed with Russia as intermediary in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The ceasefire was signed by the Azerbaijani authorities and General Babayan from the NK Armed forces. The result of the war was that the Armenians ended up controlling 20% of Azerbaijans territory. An estimated 4,500 people died and 25,00 wounded from the Armenian side, and an estimated 30,000 died and 60,000 wounded on the Azeri side. (De Waal, 2003). CEASE FIRE AND PEACE TALKS Before the ceasefire agreement mediated by Russia, several attempts were made to find a solution. The first attempt was by Boris Yeltsin and Nursultan Nazarbayev on September 1991, it gave no fruit. Next mediation was by Iran on February 1992. Since Irans historical relationship with both the Armenians and the Azeris was close, it attempted to increase its dominance in the region, especially to push Turkey aside. The Tehran conference did not reach to any agreement. After this, CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) started to arbitrate, it also pressed Iran out of the negotiations, as the latter was not a member of CSCE, On August 1992, Nazarbayev tried again, but the mediation led to nowhere. CSCE tried on several occasions from 1992 until December 1994 to reach an agreement for both sides, but its inexperience and Russias parallel involvement made it fail. From May 1994, when the ceasefire was signed, several propositions were laid on the negotiation table, but NK was only to agree to a complete package?, while Azerbaijan pushed for a step by step? approach. ( Mooradian, 1999) To date, there has been no concrete agreement between the two parts. The main mediator is the Minsk Group, created in 1993 by the CSCE (now OSCE), even though the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan have met on various occasions, NKs government is still left out of any negotiations. CAN KOSOVO BE USED AS AN EXAMPLE? After the recognition of Kosovos independence, many other de facto states looked closely to see if it would set an example. Even though the states that have recognised Kosovo state that Kosovo cannot be used as a precedent, others may argue that it can and has. The main reason the international community uses to implicate the uniqueness of Kosovo is that it has been under UN and international control, while other de facto states like NK, Abkhazia and South Ossetia have not. To analyse the relevance of Kosovo, a comparison is made. The similarities with NK are various: both consist of a minority that sees itself discriminated, both conflicts started in an era of transition brought by the disintegration of the Soviet Union, both held referendums and used the peoples right to self determination idea. The differences must also be noted: NK can argue that before the transition era, it already was an Autonomous Oblast. NK has existed for longer, with relative better stability, and has made more progress on state-building, even though it received less international attention and financial support. (Murinson, 2004) Other differences are that NK is not accepted as a negotiating part in the peace process, Armenia acts as its representative. It can be argued that the Kosovo can be used as an example of a state gaining independence, however, the international community argues that it is a unique case, however this does not limit the political ramifications it has brought. Kosovos independence has given hope to other de facto states, who argue that in all, they should have a better chance in gaining independence than Kosovo. As the former President of NK stated: If the world community is ready to recognize the independence of Kosovo, I think it will be very hard for them to explain why they do not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh? (Yakubyan, 2006) And as the Speaker of NK Parliament said: A serious basis for the international recognition of our sovereignty, we have held free elections for 16 years, law-enforcement bodies are formed, powers are divided, [the] army is under civil control? (Karabakh Has Serious Grounds for International Recognition of SovereigntyÃâà «, in: Karabakh Open, 20 February 2008) To explain why Kosovo deserves international recognition and other de facto states in very similar positions do not is very hard, even by the same international community that accepted Kosovos independence. The reasons can vary from the official statement that Kosovo has been under international control, while other have not, but it is also correct to assume that other factors such as mutual interests among regional powers. Russias involvement in the NK peace process has many times thrown the Minsk Groups propositions away, as Russia can benefit from the no peace no war? situation over NK: it sells arms and heavy weaponry to both Armenia and Azerbaijan, arming both sides. WHY HAS ARMENIA NOT RECOGNISED NKS INDEPENDENCE? This question is very interesting in the sense that it would be logical that Armenia should be the first country in recognising the independence of NK, however there is one main reason of why it has not. The official Armenian response to these questions is that since Armenia has started: An international legal process of settlement of the Nagorno-KarabakhÃâà conflict, and this is why Armenia has still not recognized the enclaves independence? ItÃâà is forÃâà theÃâà same reason that Armenia has not recognized the independence of Kosovo, OlegÃâà Yesayan,Ãâà ArmenianÃâà ambassadorÃâà toÃâà Belarus. (Alima Bissenova. (2008). Armenia links issue of Abkhazia, S. Ossetia to N.-Karabakh. Available: Last accessed 20th January 2011.) However, due to the recent statements by Azerbaijan of taking NK back by force has made the Armenian side declare that it would recognise NK if war started: Armenia is categorically against a military resolution of the problem. In the event Azerbaijan unleashes a new military venture, Armenia will have no other choice but to recognize de jure the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and provide for the safety of its population through all means,? President of Armenia, Serge Sarkisian Astana, Kazakhstan, December 2010. EuroAsia. (2010). Armenia Says Will Recognize Karabakh In Case Of War. Available: Last accessed 20th January 2011 One could argue that Armenia should recognise NK, in the same manner as Russia has recognised Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The recognition of NK would give Armenia legal right to aid NK in case war started with Azerbaijan. Moreover, some argue that if Armenia does not recognise NK in the foreseeable future, the status and issue of NK could be forgotten to history, as it would lose its momentum in the pursuit for recognition. RECOMENDATIONS From the overall analysis of the NK conflict and other similar conflicts around the world, some basic and concrete to the NK case recommendations can be made: OSCE and other international peace organisations should look to include NK in the negotiation process as an independent actor, like they did with the ceasefire agreement. International organisations should pave the way to stipulate better assurances for non resumption of armed conflict. The line of fire should be closely observed for ceasefire violations. Programs should be developed in order to teach both societies about tolerance, reconciliation and mutual respect. International organisations should look to integrate the public in debates and discussions, and rely less on top-down approaches. (Faber, 2005) International organisations should push for a peacekeeping force to be deployed on the contact line, it should also try to organise a new referendum under the eyes of international observers, henceforth push for a lawful democratisation and a peace settlement. (Freizer, 2006) Governments in Armenia, NK, and Azerbaijan should start to include conflict resolution and prevention, peace building and peacekeeping, human rights programmes at schools and universities, in order to increase public awareness. NGOs should create projects along with the civil society to educate the population about the conflict and conciliation for peace. Finally, an international recognition of NK would ensure a peaceful settlement of the conflict, and would make NK answerable to international law. Moreover, NK would have access to loans from the IMF or the WB, thus being able to develop better as a state. Open borders with Azerbaijan would bolster trade, and maybe bring trust between the people. CONCLUSION The conflict of NK is very complicated to be able to analyse without going into much detail. There are many arguments for and against certain strategies, using international law, international recognition, state sovereignty, refugees, and many others, but one thing is being ignored; the fact that NK has been acting like any other recognised democratic state for over 15 years. NKs human rights violations, degree of democracy and transparency and corruption are all better than Armenia or Azerbaijan, (Freedom House, 2011) yet still there is little advance among the international community in recognising NK. Some may add that the West uses double standards: Weve got used to the double standards of the West. I believe that the people of South Ossetia have much more reason for gaining independence than the Kosovan Albanians.? (Yuri Morozov, Prime Minister of South Ossetia). In my opinion, the West does not fully use double standards, but approaches the question very surgically, since it un derstands the uniqueness of every conflict, and that it could be disastrous to use one peace settlement in another area, as every conflict has its own inimitable dynamics. I think that NK pace to independence is correct, as sooner or later it will have to be recognised, it should continue developing its government in order to set an example. In the near future two outcomes are possible, either an international recognition of NK or war will break out, it is inevitable, as both sides continue arming themselves, therefore it in my opinion it is in the best interest that of the international community to prevent such hostilities by recognizing NK. As Chekov said: If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise dont put it there. (A. P. Chekhov, in Teatr i iskusstvo 1904, No. 28, 11 July, p. 521)
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