Monday, January 27, 2020
Political factors include government regulations and legal issues
Political factors include government regulations and legal issues Pest Analysis, (2010) Pest analysis is for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis and helps to set a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. Williams and Curtis (2007) that political factors include government regulations and legal issues and define both formal and informal rules under which the firm must operate. Specifically, political factors areas such as tax policy, labor law, advertising law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability Government plays an important role in the economy as well as in taxes to be charged to the company. These factors also play an important role in the employment law, competition regulations as the company can not make specific prices as they have to follow the competition regulations. Economic factors have economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. Pest Analysis, (2010) the factors have major impacts on how business works and decision making, example, interest rates affect a firms cost of capital and therefore it affects the business and how will grow and expand. Exchange rates affect the costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods. Economic factors affect the purchasing power of potential customers as the power to buy the product. Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects of the external microenvironment. Pest Analysis, (2010) these factors affect customer needs and the size of markets. Social factors affect the demand for a companys products and how that company works. Companies may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends (such as recruiting older workers). Social factors affect the needs and wants of the customer and the way they buy a particular product, as the demand may decline with the new product which offered to the wrong age sector. Pest Analysis, (2010) Technological factors can reduce the barriers to enter and reduce minimum efficient production levels, and play a big role outsourcing decisions. They can help to determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Technological factors help to technological shifts that can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. pestmarketing SWOT analysis, (2010) SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business. SWOT analysis is a business tool by which, a firm will be able to implement a strategic analysis, analyzes and recognizes its corporate Strengths and Weaknesses as well as the existed or forthcoming Opportunities and Threats from its external environment. Completing a SWOT analysis will help in identifying and the ways to minimize the affect of weaknesses in your business while maximizing your strengths only when these four critical information elements are well elaborated and known. SWOT analysis compiles of, SWOT analysis, (2010) Strengths: attributes of the person or company that is helpful to achieving the objective Weaknesses: attributes of the person or company that is harmful to achieving the objective Opportunities: external conditions that is helpful to achieving the objective Threats: external conditions which could do damage to the objective Honda Motors is one of the most successful automobiles company in the world and with the help of PEST analysis and SWOT analysis they have come so far as they are able to understand what are the political factors, economic, social and technological factors they have to understand when they are producing the automobiles as well have to understand the needs and wants of the customer as well as the economy of the place as the government plays an important role. They have to understand the technology they have to provide in there automobiles because the latest technology will be able to attract the people better and they would be able to reach the market better and the relevance of SWOT analysis in running the business is very important as Honda has to understand what are there strengths, weakness, opportunity, threats in order to be successful in the market as they need PEST and SWOT analysis together to be able to survive in the market for long run these two analysis helps Honda to be a better company and be able to understand its customers and their needs. 2.1 Honda: Reconciling dichotomies (Product related core competencies versus process related core capabilities. Constructing dichotomies is the best avenue for new ideas in the field of automobiles industry. Productivity, (2010) Product related core competencies are measurement of the effective use of the resources, expressed as the ratio of output and input. Productivity as the ratio of output and input. Productivity us very important to business because they can gain market share and make great profits. For example, when productivity increases, product costs decline and product price can be reduced. Productivity relates to competitiveness in the way that if two firms have the same level of output but one requires less input because of higher productivity, that one will be able to charge a lower price and consequently increase its shares of the market. Process related core capabilities typically describing the act of taking something through an establishment and usually set of procedures to convert it from one form to another, as a manufacturing or administrative procedure. The process core capabilities at Honda is playing an important role as it is helping in having new and developing innovative ideas for the company and playing an important role in product related core competencies. Process Capabilities, (2010) The concept of process capability has been used by the manufacturing industry to quantify the relation between product specifications and the measured process performance. Various ratios and indices have been developed to describe this relation. 2.2 International trade is exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. International Trade, (2010) the main advantages of international trade are International trade has flourished over the years due to the many benefits it has offered to different countries across the globe. International trade is the exchange of services, goods, and capital among various countries and regions, without much hindrance. It is also one of important sources of revenue for a developing country, with the help of modern production techniques, highly advanced transportation systems, transnational corporations, outsourcing of manufacturing and services, and rapid industrialization, the international trade system is growing and spreading very fast. International trade, (2010) Great variety of goods available for consumption and international trade brings in different kinds of goods from different destinations. This gives consumers a variety of choice to choose from and which will not only improve their quality but also the whole country. Better allocation and better utilization of resources, since countries tend to produce goods and items which they are good at and have a comparative advantage towards its competitors. Efficient in production will help countries and they will adopt better methods of producing goods and this will keep the cost down in order to remain competitive. Countries that can produce a product at the lower price possible can gain the larger market share in the market. Therefore an incentive to produce efficiently arises. This will help standards of the product to increase and consumers will have a good quality product to consume. Automobile industry, (2010) Restricting trade in the context of global automobile industry, the global automotive industry, increasingly characterized by global mergers and relocation of production centers to emerging developing economies, is in the grips of a global price-war. The industry is subject to imperfect competition which has resulted in too much of everything too much capacity, too many competitors and too much redundancy and overlap. The industry is concerned with consumer demands for styling, safety, and comfort; and with labor relations and manufacturing efficiency. The industry have to really work hard to meet the demands of the consumers and what are the new wants as what types of cars they want in the automobile industry. Specialization in automobile (Honda) sector is increasingly becoming segment specific as each of these countries is finding its niche. China is specializing in components, India in two wheelers and small vehicles, Thailand in pick-up trucks and pass enger cars and Indonesia in utility vehicles. As Honda is understating its market in these areas and other areas of the world as they are providing according to their customers wants as they have restriction in providing different kinds of automobiles which is not required in the particular country. Automobile industry is a symbol of technical marvel by human kind. Being one of the fastest growing sectors in the world with its dynamic growth phases are explained by nature of competition, product life cycle and consumer demand. Today, the global automobile industry is concerned with consumer demands for styling, safety, and comfort; and with labor relations and manufacturing efficiency.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Twilight Saga 2: New Moon Acknowledgments
So much love and thanks to my husband and sons for their continuing understanding and sacrifice in support of my writing. At least I'm not the only one to benefitI in sure many local restaurants are grateful that I don't cook anymore. Thank you, Mom, for being my best friend and letting me talk your ear off through all the rough spots Thanks, also, for being so insanely creative and intelligent, and bequeathing a small portion of both into my genetic makeup Thanks to all my siblings, Emily, Heidi, Paul, Seth, and Jacob, for letting me borrow your names I hope I didn't do anything with them that makes you wish you hadn't. A special thanks to my brother Paul for the motorcycle riding lessonyou have a true gift for teaching. I can't thank my brother Seth enough for all the hard work and genius he put into the creation of I'm so grateful for the effort he continues to expend as my Webmaster Check's in the mail, kid. This time, I mean it. Thanks again to my brother Jacob for his ongoing expert advice on all my automotive choices A big thank you to my agent, Jodi Reamer, for her continued guidance and assistance in my career And also for enduring my craziness with a smile when I know she d like to use some of her ninja moves on me instead Love, kisses, and gratitude to my publicist, the beautiful Elizabeth Eulberg, for making my touring experience less a chore and more a pajama party, for aiding and abetting my cyber-stalkery, for convincing those exclusive snobs in the EEC (Elizabeth Eulberg Club) to let me in, and, oh yeah, also for getting me on the New York Times bestseller's list A huge vat of thanks to everyone at Little, Brown and Company for their support and their belief in the potential of my stories And, finally, thank you to the talented musicians who inspire me, particularly the band Musethere are emotions, scenes, and plot threads in this novel that were born from Muse songs and would not exist without their genius Also Linkin Park, Travis, Elbow, Coldplay, Marjoric Fair, My Chemical Romance, Brand New, The Strokes, Armor for Sleep, The Arcade Fire, and The Fray have all been instrumental in staving off the writer's block.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Differences in the Way Language is used
Language is an important aspect of a human being. The capability to speak and used language makes it possible for an individual to relate to other people. However, language is not merely a means of communication it is an essential factor that shows a personââ¬â¢s thoughts as well as his or her culture. Being the case, since there are many various cultures in the world it is not surprising that there are many languages that exist. This kind of diversity is even more observable in the different ways language is used. Numerous articles have dwelt on the topic of language especially in its importance and the ways it is used.The succeeding paragraphs will discuss the different usage of language based upon some of the written accounts that have given specific attention in this topic. These will deal with the various function of language on different areas and its effects in the society. American linguists and anthropologists perceived that language has a more important role aside from t he fact that it shapes an individualââ¬â¢s view of reality. This idea became widely known during the beginning of the 20th century especially in the first four decades.The one responsible for this kind of thinking are Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Whorf. They asserted that ââ¬Å"language predetermines what we see in the world around usâ⬠(Oââ¬â¢Neil, 2006, n. p. ). Simply put, language acts as a filtering mechanism wherein an individual could only see and understand the real world based upon the categories of their language. In the study of Sapir and Whorf, they conducted a cross cultural comparison of color. A person perceived a particular color through the use of the eyes, which is aided by light.The frequency of light is the one who stimulate the eye in order to recognize the lightness or darkness of a certain color. As such, the eye only see the value of a pigmentation whether they are high or low but the terms used in referring to it like red or green does n ot actually exist. As such, it is through the use of language that these different values of light are called with various names (Oââ¬â¢Neil, 2006, n. p. ). The assumption of Sapir and Whorf that there are cultural differences in the perception of color is not recognized by other expert in the field by commenting that they went to far.Experts said that all people in the world have the similar visual perception and this is not affected by culture. Nevertheless, the study that they conducted proves that language has an important role in how people perceived the different phenomena in their surrounding like the recognition of light. It is through language that people could specifically recognize these colors by name even if they have various terminologies on how it should be called. Language as a medium could also be used in order to change peopleââ¬â¢s perceptions about things as well as make them adhere to new ideas and concepts.A good example of such is through the media. Adve rtising has its way of using and playing with language that would make an ordinary consumer avail of the products and services that they are marketing. The famous taglines or one-liners that most commercials used leave a mark in the consciousness of the people that make them patronize what they are selling (Schrank, n. d. ). Moreover, even television programs or movies also have its way of changing the opinion of people about issues and other events.The media could easily used words that could aggravate a certain event than what is really happening. Language also has a pivotal role in the world of business. The rapidly changing time has paved the way for business operations to become international in nature. This is exemplified by existence of multinational corporations that operates in different countries and establishes business relationship with people of various cultures. Good communication is one of the most important elements for a successful business and in order to do so lan guage have to be given due importance.In an article written by Jim Brantley (2007), a teacher of Business English and a consultant that specializes in Cross Cultural Communications, he emphasizes the importance of effectively using language in business especially during this time of globalization. Brantley discusses that todayââ¬â¢s market is highly characterize by competition wherein there is a demand for diversity and the need to venture into labor markets that will sustain the nature of the business. Important factors like currency can be easily understood but dealing with people who are involved in business operations could be more challenging.More so, if it deals with people of different nationality. The primary idea in addressing this issue is by teaching a standardized medium of communication through the English language. Key employees should know how to speak English in order for them to easily understand instructions as well as give their inputs in decision-making proces ses. However, it is not as simple as that because there should be a substantial process of teaching in order for the employees to effectively use the language. In this scenario, the importance role language is further highlighted.Language is a pivotal tool in many aspects of operation in the society and it is clearly seen in the area of business. In a culturally diverse world where people come from different countries with various nationalities, language served as a means of identification. Most people would easily recognize the country of origin of a particular individual based upon the language that he or she uses. Even the mere accent that a person produce while speaking is a helpful indicator in recognizing his or her nationality.Furthermore, the identity of a state is also exemplified through the language that a country is using. Almost every state has a country profile that contains the necessary vital information about that particular entity. Language is included among the fa cts that describe a certain country. As such, this only proves that language is essential in differentiating one country from another. Moreover, having this knowledge is also beneficial in dealing with its people. Diplomatic relations is widely practiced by most states.In doing so, a state has to established relationships with other countries in order to facilitate cooperation and collaboration in various areas of interests. It could be in terms of economic concerns and social problems. Even the process of asking for aid in times of crisis or war becomes easier through good relationships. To be able to form an effective and meaningful diplomatic relationship, the representatives of each country have to give specific attention in learning the language of the other party they are dealing with (Edwards, 2004).This is also the reason why most ambassadors are multi-lingual so that they could properly convey the message of their state with the international community. Geographical locatio ns and boundaries are also another reason to the different uses of language. The territorial location of a particular country is often the reason as to why particular words are formed. This is exemplified by the case of some people who are living in tropical climates where they have never experienced having winter season. Due to the fact that they only have summer and rainy season, they are not familiar with the word snow.If a person who experienced having four seasons in their country uttered this word, some people will not understand it. On the other hand, Eskimos who live in a cold climate used more than fifty terms to pertain to ââ¬Å"snowâ⬠(Think Quest, 2000). The discussions above show that indeed language plays a very important role in the society. Its usage as a means of communication encompasses many aspects in terms of economics, politics as well as social factors. Language also has a more essential function in recognizing one country from the other.In relation to t his, even the territorial origins of individuals are easily identified through it. Nonetheless, its most important contribution is in shaping the thoughts of people especially on how they perceived reality. Language is not merely a means of communication it also becomes part of the peopleââ¬â¢s culture. It becomes one of the most appropriate symbols that describe a particular group. In all these, language is not only a tool that people use but it actually becomes a representation of who they are.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Issue Of Gun Violence - 947 Words
Many students in America, might consider school almost like a home because they spend about half a day in. We need students to be safe at school, so why not have an officer patrolling the hallways. To make the school much safer, the officers should have guns in case there is a threat towards the students. In the eyes of many United State citizens a gun can symbolize death; however, a gun can save several peopleââ¬â¢s lives. As U.S citizens, we have the right to keep and bear arms, so why do we not have police officers with guns patrolling schools. ââ¬Å"Gun violence is a major social issue in America and American schools and university campuses have become targets of gun violenceâ⬠(Bond). In the U.S we had several severe situations when someone comes to the school and starts to kill not only students, but teachers and staff, this could have been prevented if we were prepared and secured. Although the opposition may suggest it could be more dangerous to have an officer or g uard be allowed with a gun; however, having an officer with a gun would decrease the number of shootings and other minor problems at schools. Several people think having an officer with a gun will lead to negative consequences such as student having easy access to the guns. It is true that students will be closer to a gun, but this is an officer that has been trained and it is not easy as it seems to remove a gun from an officer. According to College Quest, ââ¬Å"The training program generally lasts around 12 to 14Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gun Violence953 Words à |à 4 Pages Gun Violence Guns have been is society for centuries. They have been used for hunting, war, and even safety. However, in the past several years they have begun to take the lives of many innocent victims, often young children. In response to the killings in Newtown, Conn., it has been noted, ââ¬Å"If this were a country, the number of children killed by gun violence would violate international law.â⬠(Browne-Marshall) F.B.I. data shows in 2011,Read MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence911 Words à |à 4 Pages Gun violence is the sign of a far greater universal problem in America today. Violence and gun violence specifically, is surrounded within, and spread all through every part of our society. All the reasons remain intimately related to the actual solution, which can only be a general solution one by treating it as one issue. The region that I live in is considered a peaceful part of Harvest, which I am particularly grateful about. I do not have to worry about gunfights in the roads of my communityRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence980 Words à |à 4 Pagesourselves, but to victims of gun violence, these moments are familiar and very real. Gun violence is becoming too common in this country. So common, that when there is a shooting, people are unaffected by such news. There has been desire from the people of America to change gun policy, but there are also people that argue against this because it goes against our Second Amendment rights. Although there are reasonable arguments on behalf of and against more regulations on guns, more regulations and backgroundRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence797 Words à |à 4 PagesGun Violence is found not only in our country, but around the world. Mental illness is a great connection to this very horrible topic we find . Knowing and understanding the importance of gun violence can help to save a life and also influence our generation to come. Knowing the correct information because of laws and rights should influence consequ ences that can be avoided more easily. Most of the gun violence in 1997 through 2012 was found, ââ¬Å"in Blacksburg, Virginia (Virginia Tech); Tuscan, Arizona;Read MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1550 Words à |à 7 PagesGun violence has run rampant in America. Due to this many Americans have this issue at the forefront of their minds. Everybody seems to think that they have the solution to this problem. The reality here is that the violence lies not in the gun, but in whomever carries out the act of using the gun in a violent manner. Many people fail to see this though, and think by removing guns completely from society the violence will cease. The people who take this side, are tired of innocent people being killedRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1238 Words à |à 5 PagesJanuary 15th, 2013, created many new restrictions for gun owners and those looking to purchase guns. Perhaps the most controversial part of the ordeal was the hasty enactment of the law. Many dispute that it is an infringement on their constitutiona l rights. In addition, the State doesn t have the means to enact many parts of the law. The law assumes that restricting the physical guns will solve the issue of gun violence; however, the real issue is mental health, or rather the lack of sufficientRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1688 Words à |à 7 Pagesnews we see news about senseless acts of violence and acts of terrorism. Countless families mourning the death of their loved ones because of violence that spreads like wildfire. All of the tragic incidents that have occurred recently have been due to the senseless act of gun violence. The events such as the Sandy Hook Massacre and the Orlando shooting have been centered on one object; a gun. Not only are these acts of terrorism a problem but the presence of guns in our everyday lives. The things weRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1249 Words à |à 5 Pagesliving in a carefree world, itââ¬â¢s impossible but with the criminal justice system enacting laws to forbid illegal activity, crime has lessened nationwide. Several categories of crime such as guns, drugs, and organized crimes spark major concern. Crime has existed since human conscience was active. Gun violence is the illegal use of a firearm. Drug crimes are executed by one whom obtains, produces, and allots illegal substances. Organized crimes have several components, one that involves firearms,Read MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence Essay1802 Words à |à 8 Pagesconversations of gun violence are increasing dramatically because of some homicide cases. Truly, the gun violence has been the one of biggest elements which threat both personal safety and national security in the United States. Website named stated that ââ¬Å"Since 2015, the total number of incidents is 42,847; Number of deaths are 11,021; It is a really shocked statistics.â⬠(,2012) It is a really shocked statistic that there are so many people died because of gun violence, but unfortunatelyRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1984 Words à |à 8 PagesProfessor Cassel English 1201- 27 October 2015 Gun Violence The United States is one of the few countries were the right to bear arms is protected by the constitution. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most violent with incidents involving guns this year reaching an estimated 36,212 and an approximate 9,050 deaths (ââ¬Å"Gun Violence Archiveâ⬠). There are an estimated 310 million firearms in households across American, these are only estimates because current gun laws do not require them to be registered
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