Sunday, May 24, 2020
A single gene disorder Free Essay Example, 1000 words
Those who carry two SS alleles suffer from sickle cell anemia (Human Genome Project Information, 2008; Genetics, 2000; Gene Gateway- Exploring Genes and Genetic Disorders, 2005; Gene Gateway- Exploring Genes and Genetic Disorders, 2003). Inheritance pattern of sickle cell trait/disease When both the parents are carriers of the sickle cell disease (carry one normal and one abnormal allele), each of their children have a 25% chance of inheriting two normal genes; 50% chance of inheriting one normal and one abnormal gene and thereby would only be carriers of the sickle cell trait. There is a 25% chance that each child might inherit both the abnormal genes and become individuals with the sickle cell disease (Gene Gateway- Exploring Genes and Genetic Disorders, 2005; National Heart Lung and Blood Institute). The inheritance pattern for the sickle cell disease can be illustrated as follows In the mutated S allele, a point mutation results in the insertion of a hydrophobic valine amino acid instead of the normal hydrophilic glutamic acid in the à ² globin gene of the hemoglobin moiety (HBB), found in the short arm of chromosome 11.We will write a custom essay sample on A single gene disorder or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The genetic location of the HBB gene is shown below This insertion results in a change in the three-dimensional structure of the hemoglobin protein upon unloading the oxygen to the tissues resulting in clumping together and sickling of red blood cells (Genetics, 2000; Gene Gateway- Exploring Genes and Genetic Disorders, 2005; Gene Gateway- Exploring Genes and Genetic Disorders, 2003). Mechanism of action The severity of the disorder is most prominent among individuals who carry the recessive allele (SS). The substitution of the hydrophobic valine amino acid results in the presence of an outer hydrophobic region that causes the adjacent hemoglobin molecules to stick to each other. Thus the hemoglobin molecules polymerize, after unloading oxygen to the tissues, to give rise to rigid or rod-like structures that eventually leads to sickling of the cells. When these molecules return back to the lungs for oxygen uptake they depolymerize and assume their native structure. This repeated shunting in their structural configuration leads to rigidity of the cells and in this state they can cause blockages of several small blood vessels which they might enter. This finally leads to oxygen deprivation of the tissue, pain and tissue/ organ damage. In addition to the above, sickling also results in a decrease of the life span of the red cells.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Impacts Of Population Growth - 1836 Words
Jingjing Zhang Instructor Shay Tschirhart ENGL 1311L 13 November 2015 The Impacts of Population Growth Throughout human history, population growth is one of the most important topics brought into discussion. Globally, there are about 7.2 billion people in the world, and it will rise up to 11 billion or more by the 21st century (Brown). When we look back in the history, population growth has been so slow as to be imperceptible within a single generation, ââ¬Å"Reaching a globally population of 1 billion in 1804 required the entire time since the humans appeared on the scene. To add the second billion, it took until 1927, just over 100 years. Thirty- three years later, in 1960, world population reached 3 billionâ⬠(Brown 15). Then the pace spedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦However, I would more rather believe that our ecological systems will self-fix the population problems as the natural resource pressure and social pressure increase. The capacity of natural resources is one of the most essential information to indicate how many people would fit in this planet. Aquifers and river basins are two of the natural water resources that to supply drinking water, industry and agricultural irrigation. In the analysis report of the water supply and demand in the Colorado River Basin, water use from the Colorado River Basin has tripled since 1923, and started passing beyond the amount of water supply in 2000 (Katel). Since then, the reserved river resources became imbalanced and started decreasing every year. The rapidly growth of population and impropriated human activities are two of the main reasons that destroy the pervious balancing ecosystem. With the population growth increasing, the world will consume more water, grain, and food, and creating more wastes than before. In fact, there are around 70% of accessible fresh water to use globally in agricultural businesses and to produce grain to feed people and livestock, bu t 60% of this is wasted due to the leaky irrigation system and inefficient application of methods as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Foundationââ¬â¢s Edge AFTERWORD Free Essays
(for now) AFTERWORD BY THE AUTHOR This book while self-contained, is a continuation of The Foundation Trilogy, which is made up of three books: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation. In addition, there are other books I have written which, while not dealing with the Foundations directly, are set in what we might call ââ¬Å"the Foundation universe.â⬠Thus, the events in The Stars, Like Dust and The Currents of Space take place in the years when Trantor was expanding toward Empire, while the events in Pebble in the Sky take place when the First Galactic Empire was at the height of its power. We will write a custom essay sample on Foundationââ¬â¢s Edge AFTERWORD or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Pebble, Earth is central and some of the material in it is alluded to tangentially in this new book. In none of the earlier books of the Foundation universe were robots mentioned. In this new book, however, there are references to robots. In this connection, you may wish to read my robot stories. The short stories are to be found in The Complete Robot, while the two novels, The Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun, describe the robotic period of the colonization of the Galaxy. If you wish an account of the Eternals and the way in which they adjusted human history, you will find it (not entirely consistent with the references in this new book) in The End of Eternity. All the books mentioned existed as Doubleday hardcovers, to begin with. The Foundation Trilogy and The Complete Robot are still in print in hardcover. Of the others, Pebble in the Sky and The End of Eternity are included in the omnibus volume The Far Ends of Time and Earth, while The Stars, Like Dust and The Currents of Space are in the omnibus volume Prisoners of the Stars. Both omnibus volumes are in print in hardcover. As for The Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun, they are included in the omnibus volume The Robot Novels, still available from the Science Fiction Book Club. And all are in print in softcover editions, of course. How to cite Foundationââ¬â¢s Edge AFTERWORD, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Entrepreneurshipis delivering creativity in business
Question: Describe Entrepreneurship? Answer: Introduction Entrepreneurship is the much-discussed topic in the universe for creating new business model for the world. As observed by AÃÅ'à cs and Szerb (2011), creativity in business is the sole responsible in sustaining the business. The fact is also observed in case of generating the new ideas for products in electronic and software business. Further, it is also true that entrepreneurship helps the world of business in acquiring the best talent in the industry (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011). As said by Baron (2012), entrepreneurship provides an opportunity of utilizing resources more effectively due to its innovativeness and prior constraint of availability of fund (Kalantaridis and Fletcher, 2012). It is also established that entrepreneurship holds a great responsibility in creating employability in an economy (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011). The persons engage in this process are known as entrepreneur who does business but with different characteristics and quality of business. Therefore , they are termed with a different name by the experts (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011). Entrepreneurship may be defined as the process of doing the business where new ideas can be generated and implemented in generating productivity (Dhliwayo, 2014). As criticized by Kalantaridis and Fletcher (2012), entrepreneurship is not only a process but also it is a system where both systematic and unsystematic operation can be observed while doing the business in the market. There are many theories relevant to this process are present where entrepreneurship are categorized in many ways. Though fundamentally, they all have same models of developing in a way (Kalantaridis and Fletcher, 2012). The process is mainly divided into five steps discovery, concept development, resource allocation, actualization and collection of realized income (Klyver and Foley, 2012). Some critics will allow the process starts with discovery and innovation as this model is the oldest one as eligibility for being an entrepreneur (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011; KOVEOS, 2013). However, argument from Korsgaa rd (2011), states that entrepreneurship need not to be innovative by means of products or service, it might be the value proposed to the customers, which acts as a unique one. In a deceptive note it might be defined as the small business in a line where there are many differences in doing the whole process at a time. It is also true that small business differs from the stage venturing to customization with a different characteristic as it has least similarity with small business (Klyver and Foley, 2012). Characteristics of entrepreneurship are many as it grows by number for the different types of entrepreneurship but with having similarity in their fundamentalism outlook. The characteristics also provide a path to indicate the source of entrepreneurs as well as the trait of them (Klyver and Foley, 2012). From the memorable research of Peter Drucker, it may be concluded that entrepreneurs come from those families who entertain to do something different in life and further, people with adventurous minded people would benefit more in this profession (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011; Lyons et al. 2012). He also cited that education is not a prior requirement for being an entrepreneur although it is an added advantage to reduce the cost of operation initially (Kalantaridis and Fletcher, 2012). The criticism has been risen in this case as many researchers have empirically proved from the past data of successful entrepreneurs from all over the world that education is not necessary for becoming an entrepreneur and it does not add any advantage in operation cost (Read, 2011). From the scholarly research of Weber (2012), produces the result on the average age for successful entrepreneur in USA revealing the fact that within age of 22-25, the most successful entrepreneurs have been started their business and many of them had no degree higher than high school. Prior experience also provides knowledge of business to the entrepreneurs (Klyver and Foley, 2012). The level of confidence is the main cause of becoming an entrepreneur as in case it provides them a mental bullishness for encountering the adverse situations in this process as it is observed in many times that creativity may not be enough for delivering the desired output (AÃÅ'à cs and Szerb, 2011; Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011). The strong personal traits might transform an entrepreneur into a leader for the process for which leader must show his passion and determination towards achieving the objectives as set. The dubiousness in relative characteristics of a person may create a sustainable solution for an entrepreneurship as many researches has concluded that it enhance the decision making ability among the entrepreneurs. The process of entrepreneurship has concluded that process shows an outcome of the self-depended and strong affinity towards adaptability of any situation (Bergmann, 2011; Kalantaridis and Fletcher, 2012). The development of entrepreneurship is also influenced by government policies as it recognizes the encouraging factors in the policy that may drive the entrepreneurs in developing the process (Barinaga, 2013). The quality of entrepreneurs is the key inputs as it delivers the process a lot in actuating the normal steps of success here (Klyver and Foley, 2012). As stated by IoraitÃâââ¬â (2014), quality such as risk appetite, hard work and accountability are the basic in this case that delivers an entrepreneurship process to build the empire of innovative business model to draw attention of the customers. The model was supported by Klyver and Foley (2012), adding that analyzing capability, dynamicity, presence of mind and strong desire are important in having a better process as it might produce better visionary for perceived values for the process as a whole. The whole process is depended on the organizer as it draws an attentive measure for the entrepreneurs in making the process successful. The socialists argued that in this process of business, an organizer must be a self-motivator where he must has the attitude of imitate the good for the process and develop the process rendezvous increment from venturing to top (Read, 2011). There are many categories of entrepreneurs by means of functional differentiation where some of the basic characteristics do not alter - at some point of view, those show different nature in using principle. The classification from the Kalantaridis and Fletcher (2012), met the majority of the classification of entrepreneurship such as innovativeness, imitativeness, Fabians and drone. The first one is clearly goes with the main characteristics as it is in line with the fundamentally stable characteristic for being an entrepreneur in case (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011). Here most activities in the organization hold the line of creativeness in every stage of operation while overcoming the challenges (Klyver and Foley, 2012). Imitation is a popular way to become an entrepreneur as it provides an opportunity to the challenging minded people to take responsibility of developing a countries situation to unemployment. Further, imitation is a great answer to reduction of cost in research and development at corporate level for generating growth in business and margin. The cautious and different from others as being risk averse person in nature, Fabian makes no sense of becoming an innovator in this process as they follow only the basic challenges and avoids the newer one, which makes them to imitate others at the margin of failure (Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2011). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is understood that entrepreneurship is a process of doing business where entrepreneurs take the most important place. Entrepreneurs make the movement in this process with either innovativeness or imitation and therefore, they develop the process with the influence of many factors ranging from personal trait to government policies. Further, the process is also quality driven as delivering the process a standard system in future. Reference lists Books Weber, R. (2012).Evaluating entrepreneurship education. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. Read, S. (2011).Effectual entrepreneurship. London: Routledge. Bygrave, W. and Zacharakis, A. (2011).Entrepreneurship. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Baron, R. (2012).Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. AÃÅ'à cs, Z. and Szerb, L. (2011).The global entrepreneurship and development index 2011. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.Journals Barinaga, E. (2013). Politicising Social Entrepreneurship Three Social Entrepreneurial Rationalities Toward Social Change.Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 4(3), pp.347-372. Bergmann, H. (2011). Entrepreneurship disparities within Switzerland Do tax and language differences play a role?.Entrepreneurship Regional Development, 23(7-8), pp.523-548. Dhliwayo, S. (2014). Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy: An Integrative Approach.Journal of Entrepreneurship, 23(1), pp.115-135. IoraitÃâââ¬â, M. (2014). ICT and entrepreneurship: social network marketing.JESI, pp.19-29. Kalantaridis, C. and Fletcher, D. (2012). Entrepreneurship and institutional change: A research agenda.Entrepreneurship Regional Development, 24(3-4), pp.199-214. Klyver, K. and Foley, D. (2012). Networking and culture in entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship Regional Development, 24(7-8), pp.561-588. Korsgaard, S. (2011). Entrepreneurship as translation: Understanding entrepreneurial opportunities through actor-network theory.Entrepreneurship Regional Development, 23(7-8), pp.661-680. KOVEOS, P. (2013). DEVELOPMENTAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS A RESEARCH FIELD.J. Dev. Entrepreneurship, 18(02), p.1301002. Lyons, T., Alter, T., Audretsch, D. and Augustine, D. (2012). Entrepreneurship and Community: The Next Frontier of Entrepreneurship Inquiry.Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2(1).
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Question: Talk About The Determinants Deploying Commerce Technology? Answer: Presentation The persistent development in versatil...
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Jingjing Zhang Instructor Shay Tschirhart ENGL 1311L 13 November 2015 The Impacts of Population Growth Throughout human history, pop...