Monday, May 27, 2019
Causes of Russian Revolution
Introduction Since revolutions are complex social and political upheavals, historians who write ab step up them are bound to protest on the most basic questionscauses, revolutionary aims, impact on the society, political outcome, and even the time span of the revolution itself. In the case of the Russian rotation, the starting-point presents no problem almost e very(prenominal)one takes it to be the February Revolution of 1917, which led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the formation of the Provisional Goernment. scarcely when didthe Russian Revolutionend? Was it all over by October 1917, when the Bolshevists took major power?Or did the end of the Revolution come with the Bolsheviks victory in the Civil War in 1920? Was Stalins revolution from above part of the Russian Revolution? Or should we take the view that the Revolution continued throughout the lifetime of the Soviet state? Russian Revolution, one of the major events that shaped worlds future, overnight destroyed the existing society and replaced it with worlds most radical social experiment ever seen. Although Russian Revolution is usually acknowledged as one revolution, it in fact consists of two different revolutions.The second one is called the Bolshevik Revolution. Causes of Russian Revolution Dissatisfaction with Existing Conditions The conditions in Russia were non optimistic. not only was food scarce, the nation were forced to pay heavy taxes and the gap between the peasants and the nobles was widening every day. Some plurality were also dissatisfied with the czars autocratic rule and wanted him out to be replaced with a more democratic rule. Some felt that other powers were progressing faster than they were and that the Tsar should adopt some of their thinking.Moreover, of course, there were the communists, like the two groups, the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. Russias beat in the Russo-Japanese War Russia took on Japan in 1904, when Japan competed with them for Manchuria and K orea. The Russians were optimistic as they were sure, their vast superiority of numbers would easily defeat the tiny Japan. But this was not to be. Japan, with their advanced technology destroyed the Russian Army, armed with their primitive weapons as compared to the Asians. This defeat was a great humiliation for Russia.The passel lost authorization in the Tsar and the armed services. Russia, all along priding itself on military excellence, suddenly defeated by Japan. Bloody Sunday On Sunday, 22nd January 1905, more than two hundred 000 workers, led by a priest of the church by the name of Father Gapon, took part in a peaceful demonstration in St. Petersburg (later know as Petrograd, and then Leningrad). They proceeded to the Winter Palace to present a petition to the Tsar regarding better working conditions, medical benefits and more freedom. They also wanted a parliament, or a Duma, to represent their views.The unarmed demonstrators were shot at by the Tsars troops. There wer e galore(postnominal) outbursts afterwards that. Troops mutinied, peasants rose up and strikes emerged, all demanding that the Tsar create a Duma and more freedom. In the October Manifesto, the Tsar decided to form a Duma and allow more freedom of speech. This was the Tsars real chance to improve peoples lives by implementing reforms and increasing work condition standards. He could have employed the Duma well to gain him support and yet keep the people happy at the resembling time. Instead, he make a big mess out of everything.There were cardinal Dumas within the span of 1906 and 1917, and the first three were changed due to the Tsars selfishness and hunger for power. All four Dumas were powerless and did not really represent the people at all. Rasputin So who IS Rasputin? Well, the story starts off with Alexis, Tsar Nicholas IIs son. He suffered from haemophilia, where his blood was unable to clot after bleeding due to a lack of platelets in the blood. Rasputin claimed to be a holy monk from the remote wastelands of Siberia, and was able to use his supernatural resumeing powers to heal Alexis.Granted, Rasputin could ease some of Alexis pain, exactly most of what he did seemed a scam. The Tsarina (the Tsars wife) doted on her son and thus naturally treated the monk better. Rasputin abused his berth and replaced many ministers with his own family and friends, regardless of whether the previous ministers were good. Some of his decision in the countrys administration were also foolish and led to many problems. This naturally led to people disliking Rasputin severely and thus blaming the Tsar for his trust in this incompetent person. World War IThis stub be considered as one of the more outstanding motives for the revolution. Russia was, as we know, one of the most major powers in the world at that time. Up against a Germany that was being attacked from all sides, Russia expected a quick and fatal victory. In actual fact, Russia suffered a series of humiliating defeats. Tsar Nicholas II then decided to take matters into his own hands and take over as Commander in Chief. He went up to the battlefront to direct the battle, in the hope that his brilliant tactics, marvellous manoeuvring and royal presence would spur the army to victory.Sadly, this was not to be as his lack of military experience and inferior expertise devastated the Russian Army entirely, with the blame left on his shoulders. News of the large casualties and scotch results of the campaign led to the people blaming the Tsar and losing even more trust in him as the weeks went by. When the Tsar was at the front, the Tsarina Alexandra was in charge of matters okay in the capital. Under the influence of Rasputin (again), the Tsarina made many new changes to the administration and plunged the country into further crisis.Furthermore, the Tsarina was a German by birth, and incurred many peoples wrath by doing so. The war effort was hampered greatly by many constant probl ems. These included shortages of ammunition and other supplies, an inefficient transportation and distri plainlying system, incompetent military leadership, low morale and desertions, and high land losses and casualty rates. The war was financed through borrowing and printing money instead of raising taxes, as they felt that doing so would cause objections from the already-unhappy people.Wages did not keep pace with inflation, and Ukraine, the largest corn-producing area, was lost in the war. The inefficient rail air system was unable to distribute food efficiently. Most of the three-year-old men went to fight for the army, leaving the women and elderly to do the work on farms. Additionally, corn prices were fixed, but clothes prices were rising. Many peasants had to go into factories to work. Lousy living conditions made things even worse. Course of Russian Revolution It all sparked of when the brass held talks with some sea-workers.The workers were asking for better work condit ions and pay. However, the talks failed and the workers mutinied. Furthermore, a few years ago it was International Womens Day, where many women gathered to protest against the food scarcity facing them in Russia. On the day of the revolution itself, many people went on strikes and riots, effectively paralysing more than half of Petrograd. Soldiers, too, fought half-heartedly as they believed that the government was ineffective. The people clamoured for a change in the administration, which the Tsar refused to give.Most of the soldiers then joined the strikes, with only a handful of patrols still remaining loyal to the Tsar. The Duma, desperate for peace and change, forced the Tsar to make a decision immediately change the administration or pass on power. The Tsar decided to abdicate in favour of his brother, Grand Duke Michael. The Grand Duke refused the throne, and the Duma formed a democratic Provisional Government on a interim basis, thus ending the reign of the Romanov monarchy. Causes of Bolshevik Revolution Failure of the Provisional GovernmentThe Provisional Government was only a temporary government meant to take care of the empire until it could hold elections for a Constituent Assembly which would draw up a constitution for Russia. However, it was not confident ample of itself to implement mass reforms and such, as it was not elected, but self-appointed and temporary. After the revolution, many people expected democracy and an elected parliament. However, the Provisional Government delay the elections and this lost them a lot of support. They claimed that so many people were away fighting that it was not possible to hold elections.While this was going on, so was the war. While the war-weary people wanted the war to end, the Provisional Government felt that victory would boost morale. However, more defeats meant that hundreds of soldiers deserted and more support lost. The people wanted many reforms, most importantly land reforms, as the ma jority of the population the peasants, wanted the lands of the aristocrats. However, the reluctant and wary government, as mentioned earlier, did not want to do so in edict to consolidate their position first.The government also inherited the problems of the Tsars, as they had to face inflation and food shortages. The government was also humiliated many times by their own inability to deal with problems. In the cities, workers formed groups called the Petrograd Soviet, a form of workers union. The Petrograd Soviet called upon all soldiers to obey them, and thus the government became reliant on them. This can be seen in the example of the Kornilov incident, where the rogue commander-in-chief Kornilov turned on the government with his troops.The government had to turn to the Petrograd Soviet for help, and they promptly replied with their own forces, cognize as the ruddy Guard, by driving away Kornilov and his troops quickly. The Appeal of the Bolshevik Party The Bolsheviks were one of the communist parties in Russia at that time. Their leader was a man known as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and was a great fan of Marxs. He had been influenced by Marxs socialist writings and wished to transform Russia into the ideal communist state. He was originally exiled from Russia during monarchical reign, but returned to Russia in April 1917.At this time, the Provisional Government had freed political prisoners and loosened up their hold on the press. The Okhrana was also disbanded. All this made it easier for Lenin to carry out his revolutionary activities. He was able to organise the party better with party communities all over Russia and in the army. At the same time, Lenin found a talent in a person called Leon Trotsky. Trotsky used to be on the side of the Mensheviks, another communist group but was more on the side of taking things slower and not having a revolution so early. Trotsky however opposed this view and joined the Bolsheviks instead.Lenin found that Trotsky w as highly capable, both in speaking and in military expertise. He entrusted Trotsky with the job of organising the Bolshevik troops, the Red Army. He also found some qualities in a man called Joseph Stalin. Although less capable than Trotsky in speaking, he was secure and not so flamboyant. Stalin took charge of the party newspaper,Pravda (Truth), which spread Bolshevik propaganda and news. Lenin often made speeches to the people. He told them about his ideas for Russia, encapsulated in three basic points Peace, Bread and Land. Not only that, he also opposed the government violently and wanted the immediate transfer of power to the Bolsheviks. This, and the Bolshevik slogan, made them so appealing that they gained power so rapidly and the governments hold on Russia began to slide. The slogan of Peace was probably the most attractive offer to the Russian people. Almost everybody wanted the war to stop, as it had dragged on for too long. The devastated economy and dwindling food supp lies were all caused by the war, and people wished to return to their lives, just as before the war.Lenin knew this and aptly used this as a slogan for his campaign. Being the only party which constantly opposed the continuation of the war, the Bolsheviks attracted many supporters. The Bread problem was not being met by the government, but the Bolsheviks promised that they would deal with it. Lenin promised to provide the people with sufficient food, and the starving population turned to him for help. Land was another point well handled by Lenin. Most peasants were furious with the government and the landowners for not giving the peasants a chance to earn their own money with their own land.Lenin, however, in accordance with the communist ideology, promised that the landowners property would be split up and distributed equally, naturally attracting mass support from the majority of the population. As Lenins support grew, and membership increased tenfold in 8 months, so did dissatisf action with the government. In July, during a flow known as the July Days, a political crisis erupted as soldiers in Petrograd refused to go to the front and sailors joined the workers in anti-government demonstrations. These people were mostly Bolshevik supporters, and these riots were no question sparked off by party instigators.However, they were delivered a crushing defeat when the government managed to suppress the demonstrations and arrested a few leading Bolsheviks. Lenin himself was shot twice in the federal agency from close range, but survived to escape to Finland. However, this event goes to show that the Bolsheviks were gaining a lot of support and would soon be able to take power. Course of Bolshevik Revolution Trotsky did the detailed organisation of the Bolshevik revolution. He planned very systematically the seizure of important government buildings and strategic locations by the Red Army. The government knew very well that a revolution was being planned, but wer e so inefficient and disorganised that they could do nothing about it. In the end, Lenin returned to Russia on the 23rd of October and thus, the Bolshevik Revolution began. Trotsky and the Red Army began by getting the support of the Petrograd garrison, and together they seized important railway stations, the telephone exchange and bridges. They met with no resistance all the way from the Smolny Institute where the Bolshevik headquarters was, to the Winter Palace. There, the few remaining loyal troops were defending the Palace bravely. However, their resistance collapsed quickly as theAuroradismissed warning shots (some people enunciate its guns were too pathetic to even reach the walls of the Palace). Government members were arrested and the head, Alexander Kerensky, escaped. By the 26th of that month, the Bolsheviks had taken Petrograd. After another month, they controlled Russia. The reason why the Bolsheviks were so successful was because other groups like the Social Revo lutionaries and the Mensheviks were hesitant in leading a revolution after February. They were willing to work together with the Provisional Government for the good of the people.The Bolsheviks, branding them as traitors, eventually used this cooperative mentality against them. Not only that, they also supported the government in their continuation of the war, and this worked against them too. All this brought the Bolsheviks support from many workers and soldiers in Moscow and Petrograd. However, the Bolsheviks did not have the full support of ALL people in Russia. It was Lenins and the Bolsheviks task to go across and maintain their control over the vast empire they had inherited. Conclusion When there is proliferation of crime, poverty and mass discrimination, people of the nation rebel.Although the people of Russia didnt have a say in the political issues, they didnt protest. However, once they became deprived of their economical rights, along with the assiduous wars, their wrat h grew. It grew to such an extend that it overthrew the monarch of a dynasty that has been ruling for over three hundred yrs. But Russian Revolution is an classic example that people have the supreme power for the Russians overthrew the administration of the nation, not once but two times in a span of 3 yrs (although the suffering had been since 19th century). Bibliography/ Acknowledgements Google Images http//www. factmonster. com/encyclopedia/history/russian-revolution-causes. html http//www. bbc. co. uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/russia/longtermcausesrev1. shtml http//answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20110317174148AA2efvO http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Russian_Revolution http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bolshevik http//europeanhistory. about. com/od/russiaandukraine/a/Causes-Of-The-Russian-Revolution. htm http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=2WxNQLr2dKA http//history1900s. about. com/od/Russian-Revolution/a/Russian-Revolution-Timeline. htm
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